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Title 交通工具空氣污染檢驗管制核章作業
Abstract 依據「空氣污染防制法」、「進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章辦法」及「噪音檢驗處理辦法」其他相關規定對進口汽油車、機車、柴油車實施交通工具空氣污染檢驗管制核章作業。逐一核對進口車輛合格證及其他證件如完(免)稅證明、出廠證明等,確認合格證與其他文件係同一車型後,於完(免)稅證明加蓋符合管制標準之章 ,監理單位認章後才准予登檢領。(二)計畫成果1.核章工作:自92年1月1日至92年12月15日核章數量共計有56,417輛,共為國庫增加2,820,850元。2.核章資料可轉呈月報表、年報表、污染核章資料統計報表等,提供環保署執行車輛品質管制及新車抽驗數量之依據。3.提供各級政府機關對於進口車輛核章資料查詢,於環保署執行污染控制過程中,能有效防止偽造情事發生。4.與交通監理單位及數據所完成連線工作且成為監理單位領牌作業之重要參考依據。5.「進口汽車空氣污染物驗證核章辦法」草案已研擬完成且該辦法已於92年7月2日正式公佈實施。6.「機動車輛車型審驗及核章須知」已印製完成。7.統計及分析進口重型機車和使用過車輛之核章數量之趨勢與比率8.「機動車輛車型審驗及核章須知」已完成上網工作。
EngTitle Issuing Certificates for those Vehicles which meet Exhaust Emission Standard
EngAbstract According to the “Air Pollution Control Law”, “Air Pollutant Inspection Procedure for Imported Cars”, and “Noise Inspection and Handling Procedure”, and other related regulations, the air pollution inspection and control regulations and procedure for transportation means are carried out for imported cars, motorcycles, and diesel vehicles. After the certificate and other documents are verified and confirmed as the same car model, the tax receipt or tax exempt certificate will be stamped with the seal to indicate it has passed the control standard. A license will be issued after the Motor Vehicle Division has approved and stamped its seal.Achievements of this project1. Approval Work: The total number of approvals is 56,417 from January 1, 2003 to December 15, 2003, which brought $2,820,850 to the national treasury. 2. The data of approval was shown in the monthly report, annual report, or pollution approval statistical report and provided to the Environmental Protection Administration as a basis for executing the quality control of motor vehicles and the sampling size for the new car inspections.3. Query on the imported car approval information to all levels of governmental agencies was provided, and thus effectively preventing forgeries during the pollution control process carried out by the Environmental Protection Administration. 4. The network connection between the Motor Vehicle Division and the Data Division was completed, serving as the important reference and basis for the operation of issuing license plates by the Motor Vehicle Division.5. The draft plan of “Air Pollutant Inspection Procedure for Imported Cars” was completed, and such Procedure was formally announced and was effective on July 2, 2003.6. “Motor Vehicle Model Examination and Approval Instructions” already was completed. 7. The trend and ratio of the approved quantity of imported heavy motorcycles and foreign used cars were compiled and analyzed.8. The “Motor Vehicle Model Examination and Approval Instructions” were posted on the website.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院機械工業研究所