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Title 0800-085-717資源回收專線服務專案工作
Abstract 本文係『0800-085-717資源回收免費專線服務專案工作』之成果報告,內容包含規劃建置「資源回收專線」之作業程序、方法、標準等規劃及提供完善之通報作業軟、硬體等各項設施,並提供民眾及各界公告列管回收項目之資源回收相關資訊之免費查詢、諮詢、檢舉、陳情及通報案件等服務,建立環保署與地方環警單位、協力廠商之作業模式,有效辦理民眾檢舉路邊廢車或案件追蹤等相關作業,另配合環保署教育宣導及受理案件追蹤管考工作,提昇資源回收績效。專案執行期間皆符合評選公告及合約內文之作業規範,依據訂定之話務中心營運管理、服務水平品質管理及系統設備功能需求作業之三大服務水平指標來檢視專案所有的服務達成狀況;專案執行二年期間專線組共承接319,729通進線量,專人應答率高達 99% 以上,為更深入瞭解資源回收專線提供的服務與內容是否符合民眾需求及「0800客服專線」整體滿意情形,專線組執行「資源回收專線來電民眾滿意度調查」研究專案,以做為即時改進服務品質之參考,調查內容包含資源回收專線整體滿意度、語音系統服務滿意度、專人服務品質滿意度、資源回收提供服務整體滿意度等四大項指標,由調查結果可知,來電民眾對0800專線的專員服務滿意度均維持在九成以上,語音系統的滿意度也維持在八成左右,顯示專線人員素質與語音系統皆有一定水準,民眾對環保署0800專線的服務堪稱滿意。其次,專線組建議與相關機關單位(如監理站、環警單位等)建立資訊整合作業目標,以完善解決客戶進線需求;在系統方面,提出調整語音系統主選單架構,以來電者最常查詢前五大項目問題作為提示語,並由語音判斷民眾需求引導進入系統或直接由專人處理;另一項為資源回收網建議以主題性較強業務作為網頁主宣導強項,並於主頁以彈跳視窗或跑馬燈方式突顯,讓民眾更便利運用各項系統介面。專線組本著精益求精的精神,持續加強專人各項專案訓練及系統功能調整,致力於各項專線服務滿意度持續提昇,相信可為環保署創造”五好”之資源回收專線服務:服務好、品質好、效率好、形象好、績效好。
EngTitle Free resource recycling service hotline Project. *0800-085-717
EngAbstract The thesis serves as a conclusion report for ‘Launching the 0800-085-717 toll-free resource recycling service hotline project’, which is comprised of the operating process, method and criteria by which the ‘Resource recycling hotline’ is developed and instilled by; various software and firmware facilities necessary to provide a comprehensive reporting system; as well as services of free inquiry, consultation, tip-off, grievance filing and reporting cases relating to resource recycling under general recyclable mandates. The efforts are intended to instill an operating mode among the Environmental Protection Administration, local environmental enforcement agencies and the operators that would poise to facilitate the public’s reporting abandoned roadside vehicles and/or subsequent case follow-ups, in addition to supporting the EPA’s environmental awareness promotion, follow-up and monitoring on cases already lodged in that would poise to improve the resource recycling yield. The entire project execution period fully complies with the operating guideline specified under the public screening announcement and contractual stipulations, which in turn are used for drafting three major service level indicators – the call center’s operating management, the service level and quality management, and system equipment functionality requirement that are used for gauging the project’s state of service fulfillment rates. During the two-year project implementation period, the service hotline team received a total volume of 319,729 calls, where the call answered by designated service representatives reported a 99%-plus success rate.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 台灣客服科技服份有限公司