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Title 加速淘汰高污染老舊柴油車稽查管制專案工作計畫
Abstract 柴油引擎車輛因為高輸出馬力之誘因,被廣泛使用在大眾運輸、商業、工程及軍用車輛上,其中公車、大貨車、客運車、遊覽車、貨櫃車及軍用車則為柴油引擎之最大使用者,其燃燒所排放之污染物主要以「粒狀污染物」為主,所排放之硝基化多環芳香烴(PAHs)則可能造成肺癌或呼吸道癌,嚴重危害人體健康。目前全國使用中柴油車將近九十萬輛,而動力計檢測制度成為柴油車排放黑煙之主要稽查方式。預計民國九十三年起,全島各縣市將完成設置柴油車排煙檢測站。概觀目前全國二十三條動力計檢測線,每年可檢測數量約八萬輛,依現況共四十八萬輛使用中柴油車,則需六年才可全數檢驗,因此目前無法依靠定檢制度來管制柴油車之污染排放,而須仰賴不定期檢驗辦法。但目前擅調規避檢測問題普遍存在,因此為有效執行柴油車管制政策,以達維護空氣品質之目標,杜絕擅調已成為眼前急需著手解決之問題。本計畫針對現有檢測站進行查核評鑑及相關性測試等作業,以提高執行公權力及公信力。建議成立柴油車排煙污染管制中心,就柴油車之管理、控制,從中央至地方建立完整機制,持續推動排煙檢測及追蹤,並提升檢測品質,使目前使用中之柴油車達到排放標準並永續改善。評估為加速淘汰高污染老舊柴油車,應持續推動老舊柴油車汰舊換新補助措施及推廣低污染車輛,以降低使用中柴油車輛污染排放。
EngTitle Investigation, Monitoring and Control Plan for the Accelerated Replacement of Old and Obsolete High Pollution Diesel Vehicles
EngAbstract Due to the high output of diesel engines, they are widely used in public transport, commercial, engineering and military vehicles. The biggest users of diesel engines are buses, trucks, semi trailers and military vehicles. The pollutants emitted are mainly particulates and the Nitrated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated with such emissions can cause cancer to lungs and throats and it is a major threat to human health.There are more than four hundred and eighty thousand (480,000) diesel vehicles in the country and the only means to monitor and test the exhaust emission of smoke from these vehicles are the Dynamometer Testing Centers. All the counties and cities in the country will be completing the installation of such dynamometer testing centers from 2004. There are now twenty three dynamometer testing lines around Taiwan with a capacity of testing eighty thousand (80,000) vehicles per year. It will take about six years to completely test all the four hundred and eighty thousand vehicles in the country. It is therefore impossible to rely on the existing testing centers to control the emission problem with regular tests. It would have to supplement the fixed and regular testing with irregular and random tests. Owners use fine tuning of vehicles as a means to pass such smoke tests and this is currently a universal problem and hence ways to control and further cut off means of cheating is an urgent issue if the air quality of the country is to be upheld.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 品勤股份有限公司