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Title 空氣品質監測站操作維護計畫
Abstract 由於社會經濟持續發展,自然環境不斷開發,導致各項空氣污染物之污染量日漸增加,空氣品質亦有惡化之趨勢,因此花蓮縣環境保護局乃積極執行花蓮地區之空氣品質監測工作。空氣品質監測資訊,對於提供區域基本空氣品質指標,具有相當之重要性,然而要獲得準確且可信賴之監測數據,除透過嚴謹的品保作業程序外,更須仰賴完善的測站管理及維護作業系統,以維持測站運轉功能正常,進而確保完整及準確之數據品質。環保局自民國九十一年八月十九日起,乃委託祥威環境科技有限公司執行「花蓮縣空氣品質監測站操作維護計畫」,整體計畫執行為期八個月,希望藉由本計畫之執行,除擴充自動測站之監測設備外,亦能藉由定期維護工作之落實執行,以提高監測系統儀器設備之妥善率;透過完整之品保品管措施,確保良好監測數據品質,並且確實掌握花蓮地區空氣品質變化情形與可能之污染來源,以作為環保局擬定空氣污染管制策略之依據,進而達到減少空氣污染與改善空氣品質之終極目標。
EngTitle The Plan of Air Quality Monitoring Sites Operation and Maintenance
EngAbstract As a result of socio-economic level continuing develops and natural environment was exploited year by year, air pollutants were produced everyday and the air quality goes from bad to worse. Therefore, the Bureau of Environmental Protection Hua-Lien County (HL-EPB) had executed air quality monitoring constructively. The air quality monitoring information is important to be the index of the regional air quality. If we want to get the precision and believable data, we must execute QA/QC (Quality Assurance and Quality Control) measures conscientiously. We must execute monitor management and maintenance perfectly to keep the function of the monitor normal.HL-EPB had trusted Sunway Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. to execute “The air quality monitors operation and maintenance project of Hua-Lien county” from 2002/08/19 to 2003/04/18. The project purposes included increasing the monitoring instruments in station, being sure the function of the monitor and the quality of the data normal, realizing the air quality and the possible pollution sources of Hua-Lien County, being a basis of the air pollution controlled policy. The ultimate purposes of this project are to reduce the air pollution and to improve the air quality of Hua-Lien County.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 花蓮縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 花蓮縣政府環境保護局