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Title 91年度台南縣環保局網頁更新維護計畫
Abstract 配合蘇縣長「科技紮根」、「環保為本」之環保理念,環保局現階段之工作重點及專案計劃,也隨之需要做一些更動與調整,來讓民眾以及局內員工能更瞭解環保局未來之施政方向。環保局目前的網站,已歷經數年,其中累積了不少網頁的內容,本案之計劃目標,則是在現有網站網頁內容的基礎下,做一些結構性的重整,讓這些內容可以透過更簡潔的結構來呈現出來,並依據現階段之業務需求及方向,將現有網站網頁,做功能及結構性的更動及調整。對於在內部網路上「業務交辦事項」及「列管工作」這兩個單元,本提案書將他視為局內的一個內部資訊公告處理,而不將他視為內部行政、公文管理系統的一個流程。隨著環保業務的專精、專業化,局內各課室間的分工,日益精細化的情況下,建立局內的內部網際網路系統,讓局內員工可以透過此平台,互相分享彼此工作上所需的資訊以及工作上的心得、經驗,就顯得相當的重要。這也是本案在內部網際網路網頁(Intra-net)建置時的主要目標。網站的建置,是相當龐大且耗費心力的工作,但透過建置的過程中,可以達到從組織資訊的重整過程,可以讓組織得以「回顧過去,策劃未來」的目標,並且讓組織內的各個平行的單位中,可以重新互相連結起來,建立起共識及感情。以凝聚局內的共識,並發揮最大的組織力,讓南縣的環保工作更有成效
EngTitle 2002 Tainan Environment Protection Bureau renew and keep the website project
EngAbstract Harmony with country magistrate Sui’s “ Science is the basic”, “ Environment is the basis” thoughts, Environment Protection Bureau’s job key points and special cases now need to do some change and adjust to let people and members know the direction of policy in the future. Now Environment Protection Bureau’s website pass for several years, this project’s purpose is using the basis of the website’s contents to do some rally of organization, and show the contents in simple organization. Depend on the business needs and direction to do the function and organization’s change and adjust of website.For the two units “ business handle items” and “ controlled work” in the intranet, this project take them for the intra-information to handle, not to take them for the flow in the intra-administration or official documents control system. With the environment protection business professional condition, set up the intranet system in the Bureau to let members use this to share the information of job and the experience is important. This is also a main purpose to set up the intra-net in this project. It will spend a lot of spirit and time to set up the website, but from this we can reform the information and get the purpose to see back from past and plan in the future. And we can connect each department in the organization to develop the best power to do the Tainan environment protection job efficiently.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 台南縣環保局