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Title 91年嘉義縣空氣污染等陳情案件快速查處管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫於民國九十一年三月簽約,依據合約內容及工作計畫書,本專案小組按照計畫進度進行相關作業之準備與執行,初步完成作業成果(詳期末報告),茲將其內容摘要說明如下:(一)陳情案件管制中心(二)專案處理廢棄物露天燃燒等陳情案件(三) 建立『案件管制作業』,提昇工作品質及效率(四)民眾滿意度調查工作(五)辦理工作人員專業教育訓練(六)官能測定(七)配合環保局提交各類考核報表,檢討計畫執行成效(八)完成九十一年本縣公害陳情案件處理白皮書
EngTitle 2002 Chiayi Fast checking and control project of air pollution cases
EngAbstract This project is from 2001 March, according to the contract content and require of this working plan, our team do the job and prepare all follow the project’s progress (Detail is in final report). The achievement of content is as following: (一) Case controlled center.(二) Handle throwing desert things and burning cases outdoor professionally. (三) Set up the case controlled system to promote the working quality and the efficiency.(四) People satisfaction inspection.(五) Do the professional training of working members.(六) Functional inspection. (七) Cooperate Environment Protection Bureau to provide the merit statement, and check the achievement of project.(八)Complete the handle papers of 2002 Chiayi county public damage cases.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 嘉義縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 嘉義縣環保局