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Title 91年台南市移動污染源稽查管制計畫
Abstract 移動污染源稽查管制計畫,應落實機車定期檢驗制度、加強未定檢機車路邊攔查及二行程機車攔檢作業、辦理機車排氣免費檢測宣導活動及協助環保局輔導查核、評鑑民間機車定檢站,經由這些措施之配合,達到督促車輛使用人加強車輛保養維修管理,並且教育車輛駕駛人正確之操作觀念,進而減低車輛廢氣排放之污染,有效改善空氣品質。台南市九十一年度移動污染源稽查管制計畫自九十一年十二月二十七日起開始執行至九十二年三月三十一日止,完成未定檢機車攔查數32,467輛次,目標達成率104.9%,二行程機車攔檢數13,210輛次,目標達成率123.9%,完成辦理一場機車定檢站座談說明會,一次定檢站季查核與18家定檢站不定期查核工作,一場大型宣導與四場小型宣導活動辦理,免費機車排氣定檢數達3,355輛次,並已完成與定檢站及工研院資料管理中心作業系統連線,協助台南市環境保護局辦理民眾陳情案件處理及告發處分相關作業。由未定檢機車攔查回檢之統計資料可發現,檢測車輛之HC與CO平均排放濃度皆隨排氣量減少而有升高趨勢;二行程機車之HC平均排放濃度高達3,832ppm,為四行程機車HC平均排放濃度之11.4倍,顯示二行程機車為HC污染排放主因。由攔檢二行程機車檢測資料統計分析可發現,其HC及CO之平均排放濃度亦隨車齡增加而有升高趨勢;隨排氣量增加而有減少趨勢;若以排氣標準期程區分,則HC及CO平均污染濃度為一期車>二期車>三期車。
EngTitle 2002 Tainan city moving pollution source inspection and control project
EngAbstract Moving pollution source inspection control project should do the motorcycle examine on time, block unexamined motorcycles on the road to examine, block 2 stroke motors to examine, do the smoke emission test activities for free, help Environment Protection Bureau and judge people’s inspection station. By way of these activities to push car users take care of maintenance and educate drivers correct thought in driving and to reduce waste gas pollution and to improve the air quality. 2002 Tainan City ‘s moving pollution source inspection control project is from 2002 December 27 to 2003 March 31. We complete unexamined motors for 32467, the rate of purpose achievement is 104.9%, 2 stroke motors block to test is 13210, and the rate of purpose achievement is 123.9%. We’ve finished to connect data system line with inspection station and engineering school to help Tainan City Environment Protection Bureau to handle people against cases and job of against punishment. From the statistics data we can see that inspection’s cars HC and CO’s average concentration are getting high because of the reduce follow the smoke emission. 2-stroke motors average concentration HC is high to 3.832ppm, its four Stroke HC’s concentration’s 11.4double. Cars HC and CO’s average concentration are also getting high with car’s age; but reducing follow the amount of the smoke emission. If we do the different between the standard period, HC and CO’s average concentration is a period car > two period car > three period car.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台南市環保局