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Title 91嘉義市固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫
Abstract 「固定污染源許可稽查管制及空污費催補繳查核計畫」的執行,首先就是要落實公私場所的稽巡查工作,也就是要以環保的專業技術與熱誠,實地到達公私場所的現場,去挖掘問題、反應問題、及解決問題,而政府法規則是要求公私場所進行空氣污染物質排放管制的最佳工具。公私場所稽巡查工作所建立的文書檔案,最後必須與「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」進行比對校驗,完成「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」的更新、擴充、與電腦建檔工作,以確實掌握嘉義市固定污染源的即時操作動態,維護嘉義市空氣品質的清新,建構一個現代化的優質生活居住環境。本計畫之執行架構(如圖1-6所示)主要以「稽巡查作業」為主軸,其平行的獨立工作項目有以下三項:「許可審查作業」、「煙道及臭味檢測作業」、及「空污費催補繳作業」,每一項均與「稽巡查作業」有關。在「稽巡查作業」底下的工作項目又可次分為以下五項:「陳情案件查核」、「許可証查核」、「空污費查核」、「資料庫擴充(含地下工廠普查)」、及「排放量查核」等,每一項均為「稽巡查作業」的一部份。當完成「稽巡查作業」的文書建檔後,本計畫必須將其與「固定空氣污染源管理資訊系統」進行資料庫的QA/QC與電腦更新建檔工作。最後,本計畫將完成公私場所空氣污染物排放量與削減量的確認,並對公私場所所簽定的「減量協談」結果,進行「空氣污染改善建議事項」的輔導改善及追蹤管制工作。本計畫除了必須執行上述「稽巡查作業」的所有相關工作項目外,本計畫亦必須配合環保局的需求,(1)舉辦說明會、(2)於嘉義市空品惡化時,執行相關的防制措施、(3)配合環保署空品區計畫,展現本計畫的執行成果、及(4)製作宣導品500份,以確實的改善嘉義市的空氣品質,達成嘉義市空氣污染物的減量目標。
EngTitle 2002 Chiayi city stable pollution source air pollution matter emission achievement.
EngAbstract Doing “Stable pollution source license inspection control and air pollution fine’s push to pay inspection project”, the first thing is to make sure the public or private places’ examination. Use environment’s profession skill and enthusiasm to go to those places to find the problem, reflect problems, and solve them. The best tool is government low to ask those places to do the air pollution matter emission’s control. To set up the profile after inspecting public and private places and to compare with the “stable air pollution source control information system “ finally to do the “stable air pollution source control information system “ renew, expand, and set up in computer to handle Chiayi’s excellent living environment.This project’s structure (like picture 1-6) focuses on the “inspection job”, and the independence three working items are as follows: “License inspection”, “smoking and bad smell inspection”, and “air pollution fine push to pay”.Five working items in the bottom of inspection are: “Against cases examination”, “License inspection”, “Check air pollution fine”, “Expand the data bank”, and “Emission inspection”.This project not only do the above all about inspection working items but also follow the need of Environment Protection Bureau, (1) Be held the explain conference, (2) Do the protection if Chiayi city’s air quality gets worse, (3) Harmony with Environment Protection Bureau’s air quality plan to show the achievement of this project, (4) Do 500 announce books to promote Chiayi’s air quality to get the purpose of reducing Chiayi city’s air pollution.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 嘉義市環保局