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Title 九十一年度嘉義市空氣品質改善維護計畫-移動污染源稽查管制計畫
Abstract 一、 執行成果本計畫工作項目包括攔巡查13,550輛次,二行程機車攔檢3,060輛次,機車全生命週期推廣18,000輛次,寄發未定檢通知公文10,000輛次,大型宣導活動一場次,小型宣導活動三場次,宣導免費檢測2,000輛次,每月查核定檢站一次。 (一) 機車攔巡查作業截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成15,446輛次,進度達成率為113.8%。(二) 二行程機車攔檢作業截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成3,760輛次,進度達成率為122.9%,不合格數為1,375輛,不合格率為36.6%,已完成複驗為1,172輛,複驗率為85.2%。(三) 寄發未定檢公文作業截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成寄發15,000輛次,進度達成率為150%,回覆率為51%。(四) 機車全生命週期推廣作業截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成18,996輛次,進度達成率為105.5%。(五) 定檢站查核評鑑截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成288家次之查核,進度達成率為100%。(六) 宣導活動作業截至九十二年三月三十一日已完成一大三小場次宣導,共計免費檢測2,079輛次,不合格427輛次,複驗401輛次。(七) 定檢站說明會本計畫在九十一年八月十三日於嘉義市環境保護局第二會議室舉辦定檢站檢測人員教育說明會,由謝局長主持本會議,並由環保署空保處林志純博士解說新修訂定檢站設置及管理要點,工研院機械所陳宗賢博士解說定檢業務工作重點及注意事項,本次會議本市二十四站定檢站全部出席。(八) 辦理技術移轉本計畫在九十二年三月十九日於嘉義市環境保護局第二會議室辦理移動污染源管制計畫技術移轉,移轉車籍資料庫管理系統、違規管理系統等操作及功能。(九) 九十一年度工作績效考評表二、 計畫組織架構本計畫設有計畫主持人、協同主持人與專案經理各一名及派任執行現場與派駐環保局協助處理相關行政作業等三名。
EngTitle 2002 Chiayi city air quality improve and protect project- moving pollution source inspection control project
EngAbstract 一、 AbstractThis project’s working items includes block 13550 cars, 3060 two stroke motors, and 18000 announce motor full life cycle, sent 10000 advertisements and a large announce activity, three small announce activities, 2000 motors to inspect for free and check the inspection station once a month. Table: The achievement of Chiayi city moving pollution source inspection control project(一) Block motors to examineUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve completed 15446 motors and the rate of achievement is 113.8%.(二) Block two stroke motors to inspectUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve completed 3760 motors and the rate of achievement is 122.9%. There are 1375 unqualified motors, the rate is 36.6%, 1172 motors finished reexamine, and the rate is 85.2%. (三) Sent the advertisements for not to do the inspectionUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve sent 15000 advertisements and the rate of achievement is 150%, and the repeat rate is 51%.(四) Announce motor full life cycleUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve completed 18996 motors and the rate of achievement is 105.5%.(五) Grade the inspection stationUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve completed 288 inspections and the rate of achievement is 100%.(六) Announce activitiesUntil 2003 March 31, we’ve completed one large and three small announce activities and do 2079 inspect for free. There are 427 unqualified motors, and 401 reexamine motors.(七) Inspection station conferenceThis project was held the conference in Chiayi city Environment Protection Bureau that told about the new rule of setting up the inspection station and management key point.(八) Do the transmittal of skillThis project transmits the moving pollution source skill, car data bank, and illegal management system in the Chiayi city Environment Protection Bureau meeting room on March 19, 2003. (九) 2003 working achievement figure二、 Project organizationThis project has the chairman, second chairman and special case management, one in the spot, and three to stay in Environment Protection Bureau to do the job
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 嘉義市環保局