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Title 92.93年桃園縣酸雨分布及強度研究-長期趨勢分析與酸沈降對境內水域影響之調查
Abstract 桃園縣酸雨監測網自1993年底開始建立包含新屋、中壢、桃園、龍潭及復興五酸雨站,今年度計畫除承續原酸雨固定採樣外,持續對境內水域受酸沈降影響進行第二年調查,計畫目標如下所述:1.建立長期酸雨資料庫,以掌握大桃園地區酸雨強度的時空分布及變化。2.分析境內酸雨強度之長期趨勢與其沈降量之分布,並探討其與環保局在空氣污染防制(如固定污染源管制、油品管制等政策)工作成效之相關性,以了解其執行效益。3.調查境內水域水質(如石門水庫集水區)受酸沈降影響之情形,以掌握環境品質之變化。
EngTitle A study for the distribution and intensity of acid rain in Tao-Yuan county
EngAbstract The acid rain monitoring net of Tao-Yuan county has began to set up since the end of 2004. The monitoring net included the Shin-Wu , Chong-Li, Tao-Yuan, Long-Tan and Fu-Shin. In this year, this project plans to sustain the sampling of acid rain and continuously Investigated the influence of acid rain to water areas.The goals of this plan are shown as follows: Set up long-term acid rain database , in order to grasp the distribution of space-time and change of the large intensity of regional acid rain of peach garden. Analyse domestic acid rain secular trend of intensity lower distribution of quantity instead of Shen, probe into it is it make working dependence of effect to defend in air pollution with Environmental Protection Agency, in order to understand that it carries out benefit. Investigate that the domestic water areas water quality (collect water district such as the crossdrift reservoir ) is lowered situation influenced by sour Shen, in order to grasp the change of environmental quality.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局