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Title 91年場置性地下水水質調查與污染防治計畫
Abstract 苗栗縣環境保護局為維護地下水資源並掌握轄內地下水污染狀況,特定擬定『九十一年度苗栗縣場置性地下水水質調查與污染防治計畫』,除針對頭份工業區設置三口地下水監測井外,並針對轄境內民眾陳情案、通霄、三義及公館等自來水尚未普及地區、6處非法廢棄物掩埋場址附近之地下水進行污染調查、監測與相關防治工作,至少50井次。以確實掌握苗栗縣各疑似或可能污染地區地下水質概況。工作內容在協助處理民眾陳情案,其鄉鎮包括通宵、三義及公館等自來水尚未普及地區及縣內6處非法廢棄物掩埋場場址附近之地下水污染調查、監測與相關防治工作,至少50口次。地下水水質資料庫建檔,應配合環保署建置之資料庫完整建置及上傳環保署。於頭份工業區內設置3口監測井,提報評估之井址並經本局同意後設置,並定期檢測地下水質。
EngTitle A survey for groundwater water quality and the prevention of pollution in 2002
EngAbstract In order to safeguard the groundwater resources and grasp the underground water pollution state, the EPA of Miaoli county has carried a project named.In Tao-Feng industrial park, three monitoring wells were set up, the location of the well should be evaluated and agreed by the EPA of Miaoli, and the underground water quality should be investigated regularly.
ProjectYear 091
SponsorOrg 苗栗縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 苗栗縣環境保護局