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Title 電子業放流水之總毒性有機物調查評估計畫
Abstract 我國電子業可區分為六大類別,計有半導體業、晶圓製造業、液晶顯示器製造業、二極體、電晶體及光罩業。各產業之製程依據產品之需求而有所不同,主要以黃光、顯影、蝕刻等程序單元為主要操作製程。製程中最常使用之有機溶劑,包括光阻劑、去光阻劑、顯影劑、異丙醇和丙酮。經由調查,世界各國對溶劑仍以有害廢棄物和毒性化學物質等相關規範加以管制,而美國則於電子業廢水之前處理標準中,訂有總毒性有機物(TTO)管制項目。本計畫實際分析15家以上電子業之廢水發現,主要可檢出氯仿、甲苯、丁基苯基酯等毒性有機物,不過均未超過美國的TTO管制限值。最後經由各項評估結果,有關我國電子業毒性有機物之管制,建議仍以採用溶劑管理方式,並加強紀錄申報查核等措施為宜。
EngTitle Investigation and Evaluation of Total Toxic Organics in Effluent of Electronic Industry
EngAbstract Electronic industries in Taiwan are classified into six subcategories, included the manufacture of semiconductor, wafer, TFT-LCD, LED, transistor and mask. Depending on the characteristics and requirements of products, the manufacture processes of electronic industries are varied. However, yellow-light, lithography and etching units are the common process. In these units, various organic solvents such as photo-resist, stripper, developer, isopropyl alcohol and acetone are often used. By literature survey, it found that the authorities in most countries had managed and controlled the wasted organic solvents by the regulations related to hazardous wastes and toxic substances, and generally did not allow the direct discharge of organic solvents into wastewater treatment system and receiving water body. But, the regulations concerned about the monitoring of total toxic organics (TTO) due to the discharge of organic solvents were appeared in the effluent guidelines and standards of US EPA. In this study, the results of sampling and analysis of wastewater from more than 15 electronic plants revealed that trace amounts of chloroform, toluene, and butyl benzyl phthalate were detected, but the TTO concentrations did not exceed the limitations of pretreatment standards set up by US EPA. In addition, based on the evaluation of feasibility, the enforcement of controlling total toxic organics in the effluent of electronic industries is impractical at present in Taiwan. However, the implementation of source control of organic solvent and submitting a solvent management plan as well as discharge monitoring report to authorities is suggested.
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立中央大學環境工程研究所