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Title 空氣品質監測站儀器功能驗證品保作業
Abstract 行政院環境保護署「臺灣地區空氣品質監測網」,自民國82年9月正式上線運轉,直至今日共設置73個空氣品質監測站、2輛空氣品質監測車、阿里山紫外線監測站及馬祖空氣品質監測站各1站、以及1處環保署品保室。為了確保監測數據品質,行政院環境保護署(以下簡稱環保署)另委託管理單位以及維護單位以外的獨立單位執行品質保證查核工作。從民國83年開始,便對台灣地區空氣品質監測站網之監測站及監測車進行「空氣品質監測品保查核」及「空氣品質監測儀器功能驗證品保作業計畫」等相關計畫,透過獨立單位確實執行監測站的查核及檢查工作以維持監測站網之數據品質。本計畫主要之工作項目為對環保署空氣品質監測站執行150站次之績效查核及每月77站次(總計1386站次)之功能檢查作業,另對地方環保局空氣品質人工監測進行50站次之功能查核作業。一、空氣品質監測站績效查核結果1. 本計畫共執行150站次之績效查核,共有131站次(佔87.3%)滿意比率達到80%以上,其中以觀音站滿意比率57%為最低。2. 氣象污染物監測儀整體滿意比率為94.0%,其中以CO監測儀滿意比率100%為最高,HC監測儀CH4、NMHC、THC查核項目滿意比率皆低於90%為最差;氣象監測儀整體滿意比率為85.9%,其中以大氣壓力滿意比率100%為最高,風向及酸雨-導電度滿意比率皆為67%為最低;校正器之整體滿意比率為78.7%;粒狀污染物之整體滿意比率為86.0%。二、空氣品質監測站功能檢查結果1.由功能檢查結果顯示,缺失項前三大之測站分別為三重、板橋及大寮,顯示這些測站之維護品質出現問題。2.分析儀部份檢查不合格比率較高之項目為PM2.5流量校正不合格(不合格比率16.5%)、CH4校正不合格(不合格比率8.4%)及露點DPT校正不合格(不合格比率7.0%)三、地方環保機關空氣品質人工監測站查核結果1.本年度地方環保機關空氣品質人工監測站績效查核結果顯示,五十座空氣品質人工監測站TSP高量採樣器流量查核,僅二測站「不滿意」,整體滿意比率為96%。另進行TSP高量採樣器流量校正實作查核,僅二縣市現場標準流量讀取錯誤,整體滿意比率為91.3%。2.測站檢查僅一測站發現測站旁3m處樹木太高,有影響採樣之虞,其他項目之滿意比率均為100%;採樣器檢查部分,僅有一測站採樣器未加以固定,整體滿意比率為98%;分析實驗室查核整體滿意比率為74%,其中以砝碼未定期送校之缺失最多,共有四縣市發生。建議維護單位應對歷年查核結果或例行檢查結果不佳之測站投入更多的心力,另由於氣象設備多設置於室外,受環境影響較大,較擺放於室內之儀器難以維護,因此亦需加強氣象設備之維護校正作業,以提昇整體監測品質。
EngTitle The Quality Assurance Operating of Performance Audit Project for Air Quality monitoring Stations
EngAbstract “Taiwan Air Quality Monitoring Network (TAQMN)” of Environment Protection Agency(EPA) have been established and started to run since 1993. Until now, TAQMN have had set up with 73 air quality automonitoring stations, 2 movable monitoring stations ,2 mobile vans, and 1 “Quality Assurance Laboratory”. To ensure the quality of monitoring data, EPA authorized an independent private sector to performance audit and regular performance check for monitoring equipment of TAQMN. Since 1994, the authorized sector has run relative projects, exsample: 「Air Quality Monitoring Inspection Assurance project」and 「Air Quality Monitoring Equipments Assurance project」etc. By these project, the quality of monitoring data form the monitoring stations can be ensure.There were two main working items of this project this year:1. Performance Audit of TAQMN (88 monitoring stations, including mobile vans).2. Regular Performance Check of TAQMN(including 73 automonitoring stations,2 movable monitoring station ,and 2 mobile vans).From the year audit results, over 80% satisfactory rate occupied up to 80% among all the auditing monitoring stations. It shows the monitoring stations system working well. Da-Li station and Guan-yin station each satisfactory rate is 47% and 57%.From the year audit instruments results, acid rain meter-conductivity satisfactory rate 53% is lowest item. PM2.5 and calibrator-air satisfactory rate 67% is second lowest. Besides, temperature 、wind direction 、calibrator-gas each satisfactory rate is 70%、77% and 78%. Therefore, audit result from meteorological monitoring equipment is not well.From the monitoring stations’ data for pass years, the Z factor from Wan-Hua、Da-Yuan、Guan-yin station is lower than 0 for 4 years, The result indicated this monitoring stations didn’t work well. Besides, Z factor from Feng-Shan and Er-lin station have been reducing trend since 1998.The statistical data of satisfactory rate since 1996 to 2001 indicated, air pollutant equipment and PM10 satisfactory rate is over 90%, meteorological monitoring equipment satisfactory rate is over 80%.From the result of regular check for all monitoring stations,the unqualified rate of PM2.5 flow rate and dew point temperature is 11% which the highest unqualified rate among all the regular check items. CH4 response value in correction procedure unqualified rate 8.5% is third highest. Besides,filter paper from PM2.5 monitor abnormal and Trouble Shoot from PM10 monitor abnormal each unqualified rate 8.2% and 7.1% is more high unqualified rate.We commend the maintenance institute shall pay more attention on the bad working stations. Besides, the weather equipments are located outside, and they will be effected by outside environment. Therefore, we suggest to pay more attention on the maintenance of the equipments.
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份有限公司