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Title 有毒物質風險評估模式之驗證(一)
Abstract 民國89年12月14日環保署召開「有毒物質風險評估技術規範草案」研商會,邀集相關機關及環評業者討論草案內容。本研究計畫乃針對地下水及土壤部分進行模式之研究,期望能對現行之預測模式作有系統的整理引用乃至驗證,以便提供開發業者、評估者及環境影響評估審核單位之參考。本計畫係依照環保署所選定之各案研究場址,進行地質、土壤及地下水之相關文獻資料蒐集,並輔以現場調查、監測井設置、水質監測、採樣與分析,補充場址模擬基本資料之不足。同時根據土壤及地下水污染整治法規規定與該場址特性,結合前述所蒐得之資料,運用BIOCHLOR、MODFLOW-MT3D及BioF&T等三種地下水傳輸與宿命模式,模擬該場址之氯化有機污染物於地下水中之傳輸行為,預測未來污染物之濃度並驗證模式之適用性。根據上述三種模式之模擬結果顯示, BIOCHLOR(二維模擬)、MODFLOW-MT3D及BioF&T(三維模擬)等三者所得之預測結果相似;而就模擬時間、成本及該場址可用之地質、水文地質與水文地質化學等資料而言,BIOCHLOR模式則較其他二者可行。本計畫另亦針對目前有毒物質風險評估技術規範草案中有關模式之部分逐條檢視,並配合模式模擬之心得提出修正建議,主要包括:增加釋放量之計算方法、增加使用模式之說明、增加風險評估所需之參數說明、增加風險評估結果呈現之完整性等。
EngTitle Verification of Risk Assessment Models on Toxic Materials
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) held a meeting for discussing on draft toxic substances risk assessment technical guideline on December 14, 2000, and invited relevant organizations and agencies to discuss the contents.  This project is to focus on the portion of groundwater and soil modeling study, introduce models systematically and verify modeling results, so as to provide references for developers, assessors and EIA agencies. Based on the study site selected by the EPA, the project conducted the literature views of site geology, soil and groundwater, as well as field investigation, groundwater monitoring wells installation, groundwater sampling and analysis to supply model input requirements. Based on Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, the site characteristics and the data acquired, groundwater contaminant transport and fate models, including BIOCHLOR, MODFLOW-MT3D and BioF&T, were used to simulate the behavior of chlorinated organic contaminants in the groundwater, predict future concentration of contaminants, and verify and discuss the applicability of the three models. The modeling results showed that BIOCHLOR, MODFLOW-MT3D and BioF&T had similar prediction outcomes. However, in terms of simulation time, cost and data available, BIOCHLOR tends to be more suitable for the study site in comparison with the other two models. In addition, the project reviewed the related modeling issues in the current draft toxic substance risk assessment technical guideline, accompanied with the modeling acquaintances, to provide suggestions on the draft technical guideline revision, including addition of release quantity estimation, description of parameters required for risk assessment, and increase in completeness of risk assessment results.
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 永灃環境管理顧問股份有限公司