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Title 農地土壤重金屬調查與場址列管計劃(100公頃農地農地土壤重金屬調查與場址列管計劃)
Abstract 本計畫調查包含台北市、基隆市、台北縣、桃園縣、新竹市、苗栗縣及台中縣市共171個調查區,總採樣面積達158.06公頃,採樣點達1,993,超過管制標準面積有銅54.02公頃;鉻32.09公頃;鋅18.73公頃;鎳27.91公頃;鎘1.39公頃;鉛1.50公頃;汞0.28公頃,總超出管制標準面積達63.75公頃,佔40.33%,以銅為主要污染。達監測基準值但未到達管制標準值,有銅17.38公頃;鉻5.45公頃;鋅8.33公頃;鎳11.66公頃;鎘1.69公頃;鉛1.18公頃;汞4.63公頃,總需監測面積達34.98公頃,佔22.13%,以銅為主。採樣區域農地小於0.01公頃者共有140筆;調查區內現地變化大無法採樣之農地者共計638筆。其中基隆市執行採樣面積0.41公頃,無超出管制之結果,需監測共有0.03公頃;台北縣調查13.69公頃,有6.34公頃超出管制,需監測2.76公頃,其中以銅為主要污染;桃園縣調查面積54.11公頃,污染管制面積有17.14公頃,需監測為9.53公頃,除汞、砷以外其餘六種金屬皆有污染,其中亦以銅為主要污染;苗栗縣調查2.03公頃,污染面積就有0.75公頃,需監測為1.21公頃,以汞為主要污染;新竹市是本計畫所調查面積最大的地區,故相對污染面積亦最多,調查面積達63.53公頃,污染面積為33.15公頃,需監測為12.51公頃,以銅、鎳為主要污染;台中市污染面積較少,只有0.49公頃,需監測為5.23公頃,除汞、砷、鉛外,皆有稍稍污染;台中縣污染面積5.88公頃,需監測約為3.71公頃,以鉻、鎳為主。其結果與過去污染之虞重金屬類別比較可知曾達五級污染區,與本次調查達管制值結果十分吻合,但鎘、汞大於1mg/Kg者,則較不吻合。目前整治方法決定,低毒性銅、鉻、鋅、鎳以上下土層翻轉稀釋法、客土及排土法;高毒性鎘、鉛以土壤酸淋洗、汞則以土壤熱脫附法,作為日後地方主管機關推動整治工作方法。
EngTitle Investigating the concentration of metals in agriculture land and contaminated site controlling action
EngAbstract Our working team had investigated 171 zones including Taipei city ,Keelung county ,Taipei county ,Taoyaun county,Hsinchu city,Miaoli county , Taichung city and Taichung county .Total sampling area was 158.06 hectares . Total sampling points were 1993 .The area exceed controlling standard included Copper (Cu) 54.02 hectares, Chromiun (Cr) 32.09 hectares, Zinc (Zn) 18.73 hectares, Nickel (Ni) 27.91 hectares, Cadmium (Cd) 1.39 hectares, Mercury (Hg) 0.28 hectares and Lead (Pb) 1.50 hectares .The area exceed controlling standard was 64.75 hectares. The percentage of area exceed controlling standard was 40.33%. The area exceed monitoring standard included Copper (Cu) 17.38 hectares, Chromium (Cr) 5.45 hectares, Zinc (Zn) 8.33 hectares, Nickel (Ni) 11.66 hectares, Cadmium (Cd) 1.69 hectares, Mercury (Hg) 4.63 hectares and Lead (Pb) 1.18 hectares .The area exceed monitoring standard was 34.98 hectares. The percentage of area exceed monitoring standard was 22.13%.The sampling area in Keelung county was 0.41 hectares. There was no any area exceed controlling standard but the area exceed monitoring standard was 0.03 hectares.The sampling area in Taipei County was 13.69 hectares. The area exceed the controlling standard was 6.34 hectares and the area exceed monitoring standard was 2.76 hectares.The sampling area in Taoyaun County was 54.11 hectares. The area exceed the controlling standard was 17.14 hectares and the area exceed monitoring standard was 9.53 hectares.The sampling area in Miaoli County was 2.03 hectares. The area exceed the controlling standard was 0.75 hectares and the area exceed monitoring standard was 1.21 hectares. Mercury is the main pollutant.The sampling area in Hsinchu county was 63.53 hectares. The area exceed the controlling standard was 33.15 hectares and the area exceed monitoring standard was 12.51 hectares.There were only 0.49 hectares exceed controlling standard and 5.23 hectares exceed monitoring standard in Taichung city.There were
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 各鄉鎮地政事務所、航測學會