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Title 農地土壤重金屬調查與場址列管計畫(111公頃農地土壤重金屬調查與場址列管計畫)
Abstract 本計畫工作時程自民國91年2月8日起至8月8日止,完成包括地籍資料套繪、土地清冊製作、基本資料蒐集彙整、現場勘查、採樣分析計畫提出及補充更新、現場採樣、土壤樣品檢驗、檢測結果研判、污染農地列管建議、可能污染來源及傳輸途徑分析等合約項目。在採樣分析部分,本計畫共計完成2251組樣品分析,其中44%超過土壤污染管制標準。依縣市別,彰化縣有492筆地號,污染坵塊面積108.38公頃,污染地號面積125.65公頃;南投縣有6筆地號,污染坵塊面積0.39公頃,污染地號面積0.39 公頃;雲林縣及嘉義市之樣品則未超過土壤污染管制標準。另配合彰化縣相關渠道水質底泥調查結果,初步判斷彰化縣調查區域,其污染傳輸途徑主要為河川及灌溉渠道。南投市地區則依鄰近之可疑污染源分佈,初步推測調查範圍內之污染來源,疑似為鄰近廢棄燒窯廠之廢棄釉料。彰化縣調查區域明顯有土壤重金屬污染情形,根據地面水體及灌排水路的分佈及地理統計分析結果研判,鄰近農地亦可能受到污染。對於超過管制標準之區域,建議利用地理統計推估方式,配合灌渠系統分佈釐清污染範圍,以作為後續列管、整治之依據;至於經本計畫統計推估,具污染潛勢但未調查之農地,則應配合灌渠系統分佈進行後續之細密調查,以確實掌握污染農地範圍。在土壤整治規劃部分,建議配合放流水管制及灌渠整治等措施進行,以收全面成效。
EngTitle Farmland Soil Heavy Metal Investigation and Contaminated Site Control Plan
EngAbstract This project was scheduled from February 8th, 2002 to August 8th, 2002. According to the contract, this project has accomplished tasks such as digitalization of cadastre, farmland listing, basic information collecting, field investigation, sampling & analysis planning, field sampling, soil sample analysis, data evaluation, suggestion of contaminated farmland control, and analysis of potential pollution sources and transfer routes.2,251 soil samples, being sampled from Chang-Hwa County, Yun-Lin County, Nan-Tao County, and Chia-Yi City, have been analyzed in this project. 44% of these samples` concentration exceed the soil pollution control standard, including 492 farmlands (125.65 ha registered) with total contaminated farming area of 108.38 ha in Chang-Hwa, and 6 farmlands (0.39 ha registered) with total contaminated farming area of 0.39 ha in Nan-Tao County. However, the concentration of samples from Ynu-Lin County and Chia-Yi City do not exceed the soil pollution control standard.To coordinate with the investigation results of the relative project regarding to water and sediment quality of irrigation channels in Chang-Hwa area, the pollution sources are preliminary concluded to be the irrigation channels surrounding the farmlands in Chang-Hwa area. As to the Nan-Tao County, the abandoned brick furnace plants neighboring the farmland are suspected to be the pollution sources.The results show that the soil of the investigation area in Chang-Hwa County is obviously polluted. Base on the Geostatistics study and the distribution of the irrigation channels; the area neighboring the investigated farmland in this project is suspected being polluted. For the farmlands exceeding soil control standard, Geostatistics method is suggested to coordinate with the information of the irrigation system to clarify the contaminated area so as to be the basis of land control and remediation work. As to the farmlands, not being investigated in this project but with high pollution
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 中鼎工程股份有限公司