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Title 事業廢水管理制度計畫期末報告
Abstract 檢討事業廢水管理制度並提出可行之建議,包括稽查、污泥、檢測申報、廢水回收等,供環保署研擬政策與修法之參考,且建立無異常事業判斷方法,供環保機關事前鎖定查核對象及現場查核研判之用,並建議不同等級之稽查頻率,另執行全面查核事業污染管制作業,更新污染源管制資料,有助於事業廢水管制及水污費徵收作業之推動,同時規劃推動逕流廢水許可管制,並研擬製作許可表格,藉由預防管理觀念之建立,有效削減事業逕流廢水污染之排放。為運用電腦之便捷性,開發全面查核及逕流廢水輸入系統,提供即時查詢及資料加值應用,並定期維護系統資料之完整性,提昇事業廢水管制作業之品質。同時研擬水污染防治費徵收方式與相關作業,以利於水污費徵收作業之推動。
EngTitle Final report to the Enterprise Wastewater Administration Control Plan with Water Quality Protection
EngAbstract The purpose of the project is to evaluate the industrial wastewater control measures by auditing the sludge and effluent discharge monitoring report and wastewater recycling to bring suggestions to EPA as references for future policy planning. Protocols for judging non-abnormal business units with suggested frequency of evaluation were built for local EPB to be used for pre-screening and site investigation of industry. A nationwide survey was carried out to update pollution source data to help future industrial wastewater control and the implementation of wastewater control fee collection. Storm water control permit system was planned and the permit application forms were designed. It is expected that the storm water discharge can be reduced effectively by the promotion of prevention management. The function of EPA’s wastewater information management system was enhanced to include nationwide survey and storm water data for any real-time search and value-added application. The integrity of the information system is periodically maintained to upgrade the quality on wastewater control. The wastewater control fee collection protocols were also built in the study.
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中技社