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Title 90台中市移動性污染源稽查制計劃
Abstract 機車路邊攔、巡查本年度機車路邊攔、巡查之執行數量皆達到合約數量之要求,達成率均為100%。(二)機車定檢站查核與評鑑本年度之機車定檢站查核與評鑑除第一季之定檢站數為102處外,其餘三季皆為104處,不定期查核皆為25處。(三)與定檢站電腦連線本年度之目標站數為102家,達成數為102家,達成率為100%。(四)宣導活動本年度預定之宣導活動有校園宣導、社區宣導、定檢站說明會、定檢站表揚大會以及工廠宣導等,總計各項目之達成率皆為100%。
EngTitle A control project of checking the moveable origins of pollution in the year of 2001
EngAbstract The objective of this project is to lay out the plan of the exams of motorcycles along the road, periodic exam of motorcycle and to execute the “expanding the management of removable origins of pollution”.
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 台中市環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 台中市環保局空氣品質及噪音管制課