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Title 台南縣90年電動機車推廣及充電站設置計畫
Abstract 環保署為改善空氣品質,已擬定及著手推行相關之污染防制措施及對策。在眾多政策中除針對污染問題研擬全盤防制措施外,擬有計畫的抑制台灣地區汽機車的增加,藉由無污染的電動機車逐漸減少燃油車的使用,以改善交通工具對空氣品質的影響。台南縣環保局乃提出「電動機車推廣及充電站計畫」,今年度已在全縣三十一鄉鎮辦理五場大型及一百一十場一般試乘活動、十七場推廣說明會並設置三十站電動機車充電站。另外,為提高民眾購買意願,也編列經費補助一般民眾及社區團體購買電動機車。因此計畫之推行,試乘機車之民眾已超過一萬人次,今年度新購設藉本縣電動機車562輛,對台南縣總空氣污染物削減量為13噸/年。
EngTitle 2001 Tainan country arcade motors announce and set up the electrify stations project
EngAbstract Environment Protection Bureau tries to promote the air quality, it make and push to the prevent ways and countermeasures. Not only focus on the pollution problems to make whole prevent ways, it tries to reduce the cars and motors in Taiwan. From using the no pollution arcade motors to reduce the oil cars using to reduce the influence of air pollution from traffic tools. Tainan Environment Protection Bureau provides “the generalize arcade motors and electrify stations project”, this year do 5 large and 110 general announce activities, 17 announce conferences and set up 30 electrify stations. Otherwise to promote people’s buying mind to spend the money for helping people and groups to buy arcade motors. From the project, more than 10 thousand people try to ride the arcade motors, and sell 562 arcade motors this year, and the total air pollution reduce 13 ton/year
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 台南縣環保局