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Title 90年台南縣空氣品質資料庫操作平台維護更新與整合計劃
Abstract 因應空污資料庫所使用之設備其維護須由專業人員提供專業技術之維護,才能確保資料庫平台設備運作順利及正常,而目前局內無此相關技術人員,如需培訓亦不符目前急切之需求,且相關設備之更換局內亦無能力更新,為使全局資訊作業正常運作,故執行本「空氣品質資料庫操作平台維護更新與整合計劃」,以確保資料庫平台設備運作順利及正常。第一節 計畫目標(1)、 確保局內資料庫系統平台硬體設備及網路正常操作、管理及安全‧(2)、 完成民國九十二年系統更新之功能評估,以符合貴局需求,並提供改進方案作為未來計劃案參考‧(3)、 增設硬體防火牆,有效阻止駭客入侵‧
EngTitle 2001 Tainan County Air quality data base operate platform hardware facilities and Internet working system protection.
EngAbstract 2001 Air quality data base operate platform hardware facilities and Internet working system protection.To make sure data base facilities working normally, it should be keep in professional people to provide the profession skills. But now in the bureau no this kind of skill members, it can’t correct the hurry need if training, and we have no ability to renew the related facilities. Try to keep the data base system operate normally, we do the air quality data base operation platform renew and reform project” to make sure the data base system operate smooth and normally. Purpose(1)、 Make sure data base system operate normally, controlled and safe.(2)、 Complete to judge the 2003 system function’ renew to accord to the bureau’s need and provide the promote project for the project files in the future.(3)、 Increase to set up the hardware guard walls to stop the computer hiker.
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 台南縣環保局