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Title 水污染許可登記及建檔管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自簽約之日起至九十一年五月二十二日止,日揚環境工程技師事務所(以下簡稱本事務所)於計畫執行期間,協助環保局辦理宜蘭縣境內各污染源之水污染防治措施計畫、排放許可證之審查及文書檔案管理業務,建立及維護水污染源文書檔案及電腦資料庫,在宜蘭縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)相關業務承辦人員及本事務所業務執行人員的密切配合之下,使得各項作業得以順利執行。
EngTitle A management project for registering and filing the waste water emission permission
EngAbstract This project was finished on 22 May 2001 under a contract to ILan EPB. The primary missions of this project could be concluded as follows: Drawing up some strategic projects for water pollution prevention. Building the auditing and filing system for licensing waste water emission permission. Building the filing and database system for managing the water pollution sources.
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 宜蘭縣環境保護局