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Title 台南縣九十年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫
Abstract 台南縣九十年度加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫台南縣近年來由於政府各項交通建設、經濟建設發展及民眾生活水準提高,加上台南科學園區、南部第二高速公路系統及快速道路等的興建,砂石車往來及營建工程道路施工頻繁,導致道路積塵增多,經車輛行駛易造成揚塵,提升大氣中的懸浮微粒的濃度。懸浮微粒為大氣中的主要污染物之一,其來源主要來自營建工程道路施工及道路車輛行駛與揚塵,除了會導致能見度不佳之外,更易危害人體呼吸道之健康,而落塵亦會影響居住環境品質。台南縣環保局為期快速有效降低懸浮微粒污染,改善空氣品質,除進行營建工地的稽查管制與移動源車輛的檢測工作,並委託誠捷環保公司辦理加強街道揚塵洗掃計畫,以公有民營及民有民營方式辦理掃街及洗街工作,藉由充份人力及洗掃街機具減少道路街塵,降低大氣懸浮微粒濃度與車行揚塵,改善道路積塵,提升縣內空氣及居住環境生活品質。本計畫工作成果如下一、本計畫自民國90年4月16日起執行至91年3月26日為止,執行道路掃街作業共27,922.3公里,道路洗街作業21,558.9公里。二、本計畫自民國90年4月16日起執行至91年3月26日為止,達成TSP減量成效掃街為386.22公噸,洗街為743.8公噸,總計年度削減量達1,130.02公噸,。三、TSP檢測作業共計完成80點次,洗掃前測得平均濃度為331.3μg/m3 ,洗掃後則為272.9μg/m3 ,平均下降濃度為58.4μg/m3 ,削減率達17.63﹪。四、一場次洗掃街觀摩說明會已於二月八日舉辦,
EngTitle 2001 Tainan country stresses to sweep float dust streets project.
EngAbstract Recent years because of government’s traffic buildings, business development and the living level increase in Tainan country, plus the Tainan science place, the second highway system in south section and fast road establish, trucks and busy building engineer make a lot of float dust on the road. The float dusty is the main pollution source of the air, it’s from the building engineer and cars cross, not only make bad visibility but also dangerous on our breath and the fall dusty influence our living environment. Tainan Environment Protection Bureau tries to reduce the float dusty pollution quickly to promote the air quality. In order to do the inspection control on building place and moving cars inspection and entrust the company to do the street float dusty sweeping project and use the full power and sweeping machines to reduce the float dusty and promote the living quality of country. The achievement:一、This project is from 2001 April 16 to 2002 March 26, do the sweeping job for 27922.3 km and cleaning for 21558.9 km.二、This project is from 2001 April 16 to 2002 March 26, the TSP reduces for 386.22 ton, and cleans for 743.8 ton, and the total reduce amount to 1130.02 ton in whole year.三、The TSP inspection for 80 points, before sweeping the average concentration is 331.3 μg/m3 , after is 272.9μg/m3 , and the reduce 58.4μg/m3 , the rate is to 17.63﹪.四、The sample conference is held on February8.
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 台南縣環保局