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Title 木柵垃圾焚化廠飛灰、底灰之戴奧辛含量資料建立與研究
Abstract 本研究計畫目的在協助木柵垃圾焚化廠於戴奧辛改善工程後,採樣並分析飛灰和底灰中戴奧辛含量。從而建立起飛灰和底灰中戴奧辛含量和特性資料庫,瞭解廠方運轉及操作情形,並研究木柵垃圾焚化廠戴奧辛分布與移跡、戴奧辛與操作參數關係。兩次採樣分別於八月及九月進行。樣品數為每次底灰四個、過熱器採樣點之飛灰四個、廢熱鍋爐採樣點之飛灰四個、節熱器採樣點之飛灰四個以及靜電集塵器採樣點之飛灰四個。除此外,每次採樣時,同時進行觸媒反應器前後的排氣採樣。共採底灰和飛灰樣品四十個,排氣樣品四個,符合合約規定的底灰和飛灰樣品三十個。分析時使用環保署NIEA A808.70B 標準方法和美國環保署US EPA 1613B 方法,分別量測排氣和底灰、飛灰中的戴奧辛含量,所有數據皆符合品保品管要求。研究發現, SCR 去除戴奧辛的效率,第一季為93%,第二季為98%。推測煙道排氣仍高於法規管制規範的可能原因為:SCR 進氣中的戴奧辛濃度偏高,尤以固相戴奧辛濃度過高為最可能之原因。飛灰中的戴奧辛主要由燃燒後的重新合成反應所產生,尤其是在通過節熱器和靜電集塵器時。底灰中的戴奧辛含量約為4 pg-TEQ/g d.m。九月四日為一號爐起爐階段,九月五日已進入停爐狀態,飛灰中的戴奧辛含量呈明顯偏高趨勢。八月六~七日、九月四日、九月五日飛灰中的戴奧辛含量,其平均分別為4689、9698 和15330 pg-TEQ/g d.m。木柵垃圾焚化廠飛灰中的戴奧辛年排放量,約為8.02 g-TEQ/年。由於本研究計畫完成之時,木柵垃圾焚化廠尚未能完成戴奧辛工程改善,從初步的研究數據來看,建議觀察較長時間的測試結果,以確定SCR去除戴奧辛的效率,是主要來自觸媒的破壞分解。此外也建議廠方在改善工程完工後,再重新評估類似數據,分析該數據與操作參數之關係,確立最佳的操作參數條件,如此才能有更完備的資料,評估飛灰中戴奧辛對人體健康及環境、植物的可能影響。
EngTitle The Study of Dioxin content of fly ash and bottom ash of Mu-Cha Incinerator
EngAbstract This project aims to help the Mu-Cha refuse incineration plant (MCRIP) to sample and analyze the dioxin contents in slag and fly ash after the complete of dioxin improvement engineering work. The results are used to establish the database of dioxin contents and characteristic in slag and fly ash, to understand the MCRIP’s incineration and operation conditions, to investigate the dioxin’s distribution and movement in the MCRIP, and to reveal dioxin’s relationship with operational parameters.Two samplings were conducted at August and September on 2001, respectively. Four slag samples, and four fly ash samples from the super-heater, waste heat recovery boiler, economizer (EM), and electrostatic precipitator (ESP) were collected each time. A total of forty ash samples were collected. One gas sample each was collected at the entrance and exit of the selective catalytic reactor (SCR). We referred US EPA 1613B method and ROC EPA NIEA A808.70B method to analyze the dioxin contents in ash and gas samples. All data fulfill the QA/QC requirements. The results indicate the SCR’s dioxin removal efficiency is 93% and 98%, respectively. The dioxin contents in the stack gas were still higher than the regulatory levels (i.e., 0.1 ng-TEQ/Nm3), nevertheless. The high dioxin content, i.e., the solid phase, in the input gas to SCR might be the primary reason. The dioxins in the fly ash were from de novo synthesis after incineration, i.e., when passing through the EM and ESP. The dioxin content in the slag is about 4 pg-TEQ/g d.m. The incinerator was at start-up period on September the 4th, and was forced to stop on the following day. The dioxin content in the fly ash increased significantly. The average dioxin contents in the fly ash were 4689, 9698 and 15330 pg-TEQ/g d.m., respectively, on August the 6th ~ 7th , September the 4th , and September the 5th. The dioxin content in the ESP fly ash has shown significant relationship with the temperature, which related well to the de novo synthesis. The annual dioxin emission from the fly ash is about 8.02 g-TEQ/year.
ProjectYear 090
SponsorOrg 台北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 臺北市政府環境保護局