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Title 南投縣八十九年度河川水質監測計畫
Abstract 本計劃的目的是針對南投縣轄內主要之河川(烏溪及濁水溪流域)及其支流選定地點做為監測站,對其河川水質作定期進行取樣及檢驗工作,建立南投縣主要河川水質變化之情形,同時亦要監測烏溪及濁水溪流域受外在環境污染之可能性,以作為南投縣環保局水污染防治規劃及推動之依據。
EngTitle none
EngAbstract (1) Select several positions to be the inspecting points to inspect the water qualities of the main rivers of Nantou.(2) To implement sampling and inspection, so that the change of water quality can be observed.(3) To detect the water quality caused by outside environmental pollution.
ProjectYear 089
SponsorOrg 南投縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 南投縣環境保護局