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Title 事業廢水管理制度工作計畫期末報告
Abstract 規劃執行依法全面清查、資料異常、縣市管制資料管理、污泥查核等分析,鎖定稽查重點及查核不法,包括協助推動依法全面清查事業廢水污染近況資料專案、資料異常之功能性分析、重大污染源污泥查核資料分析、污染源管制資料之傳輸及更新。提供灌溉渠道及五十條河川事業污染分析資訊,克服目前管制上缺乏圖形資訊之瓶頸,並進行網路申報系統開發,包括排入灌溉渠道事業名單調查及分析、五十條河川事業之污染管理資料整合、網路申報定期檢測作業系統開發。法制研修強化行政管制,促使污染源誠實申報並主動削減污染量,包括裁罰準則之研修、點源排放交易可行性研析、許可辦法之研擬。
EngTitle Final report to the Enterprise Wastewater Administration Control Plan with Water Quality Protection
EngAbstract In order to enforce industrial wastewater control, this project evaluates the management system and implementation effectiveness from current industrial wastewater control plan. Results obtained from this project will be applied to future management system planning. Scopes of work and important findings are as follows. Planning and implementation of a nationwide screening to find abnormal record of operation including sludge disposal. Suspected plants were trageted for further auditing to find illeagel behavior. Industrial pollution analysis of irrigation canals and fifty rivers were provided, applying GIS and internet technologies. Amendments of current regulations to strengthen administrative control, which mad industries give honest report and reduce pollution voluntarily. The amendments include, penalty law amendment:feasibility study of point source discharge trade off:permit regulation amendment.
ProjectYear 089
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中技社