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Title 89年台南縣空氣品質人工監測站操作分析維護計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要執行目標係藉著加強人工監測站儀器設備維護工作,以提高測站儀器設備之妥善率,確保儀器運轉正常,以及確保數據之品質,以瞭解台南縣之粒狀污染物污染現狀,同時達成環保署人工測站考核標準。並訓練環保局人員機台之維修與操作技術,並提升空氣品質資訊管理能力。計畫執行成果簡述如下:1. 計畫執行之初即針對台南縣九座人工測站儀器進行詳細徹底的檢修,以提高監測儀器之妥善率,確保其能正常運轉。2. 每月均對各人工監測站進行操作維護作業,包括定期維護、不定期維護、流量校正及結果記錄等四項,並建立相關標準作業程序。3. 於八十八年九月十四日(星期二)及八十九年九月二十七日(星期三)分別假新營人工監測站及環保署監資處品保室舉行「高量採樣器現場操作維護訓練暨實習會」及二級流量校正器追溯一級校正訓練。4. 針對各人工監測站之設備之可用性與性能作一完整評估,發現台南縣各人工監測站之設備狀況良好,無須汰換。5. 環保署89年針對本縣之空氣品質人工監測站進行儀器功能查核作業,結果本縣受查核之三個人工監測站查核結果全數”滿意”,並受環保署發文鼓勵。6. 針對各監測站TSP及落塵量之監測結果進行整理、繪圖與分析之工作。結果發現各測站TSP監測三月份因有受大陸沙塵暴之影響,所以測值較平時為高。7. 針對各監測站TSP監測結果進行整理、繪圖與分析之工作。結果發現由測站之空間分布可看出北邊之測站TSP平均值均較低(白河測站除外),愈往南邊TSP平均值有愈增高之趨勢,而以最南端之仁德測站為最高,究其原因,可能因冬季盛行風向為北風,造成北方之粒狀污染物往南移,以致於愈南端之TSP平均值愈高。8. 依本計畫合約規定,懸浮微粒(PM10)之採樣監測乃由本公司準備懸浮微粒(PM10)監測設備,以季為單位,每月選擇三座人工測站做一次PM10重量體積濃度監測,不須進行成份分析。9. 每月進行一次落塵量分析,由監測結果顯示落塵量測值高低與區域性似乎無相當之關係。在9座測站中落塵量平均值小於3噸/平方公里/月者有白河、新營及新化等三測站;平均值介於3~4噸/平方公里/月者有學甲、西港、新市、永康及仁德等五個測站;平均值大於4噸/平方公里/月者僅麻豆測站。10.各成分分析中鉛含量有越南值越高之趨勢,氯鹽則以位於西邊測站監測值較高,其餘之正己烷抽出物、硝酸鹽及硫酸鹽其測值高低則與區域性似乎無相當之關係。
EngAbstract This project main project uses to improve human watching inspection’s retain facilities to promote the excellent rate of machine to make sure the data quality. From that to know the pollution condition and get the level of Environment Protection Bureau’s test, and train members ‘ fix and operation skills to promote the ability of manage air quality information.The achievement is as follows:1. At first we focus on 9 human inspection facilities to check and fix carefully and make sure it can work.2. Do the maintenance for the human inspections each month, includes on time, or not on time, fix and record.3. On 1999 November 14 (Tuesday) and 2000 September 27 (Wednesday) to maintain of operated machine on the spot and training of second level of fixing. 4. Focus on the facilities to judge their useful and the function. 5. Three inspection stations are total satisfied of the inspection result.6. Focus on each inspection stations’ TSP and fall dusty’ quantity to do the reorganize, drafting and analyze.7. From the analysis we know north station’s average TSP is lower than south because of the winter’s wind direction.8. On the rule of this project’s construct, we pick 3 stations each month to do the PM10 inspection, but not need to do the analysis of the composition.9. From the result, it shows the data of fall dusty’ quantity doesn’t depend on the sections of the analysis each month.10. In the analysis of composition, the quantity gets higher and higher in south area.
ProjectYear 089
SponsorOrg 台南市環境保護局(原台南縣環境保護局)
ExecutingOrg 台南縣環保局