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Title 桃園縣公有暨民有民營廢棄物(灰渣)處理廠興建營運計畫-大潭區域灰渣掩埋場環境影響說明書
Abstract 桃園縣政府為解決日益嚴重的垃圾處理問題,適行政院環保署推動「鼓勵公民營機構興建營運垃圾焚化廠推動方案」及作業辦法,並將桃園縣南區BOO焚化廠(以下簡稱桃園縣焚化廠)興建計畫納入此項推動方案第一期計畫內,採用BOO(興建-營運-擁友)方式辦理,實際設廠處理容量為1,350公噸/日,處理範圍涵蓋桃園縣南區之中壢、平鎮、楊梅、龍潭、大溪、新屋、觀音、大園等八個鄉鎮市,該廠已於由得標廠商興建完成,並於民國90年10月以桃園縣垃圾焚化廠名稱開始正式營運。鑒於桃園縣垃圾焚化廠已經完工運轉,根據桃院縣政府與桃院縣垃圾焚化廠得標廠商簽訂之興建營運契約,環保局每年需無償代處理桃園縣垃圾焚化廠焚化後之底灰/飛灰固化物(以下簡稱灰 渣)共計115,000公噸,目前因各鄉鎮市掩埋場均已飽和和或已接近飽和,中長期間無法在容納多於之灰渣入場掩埋。因此,為解決灰渣之處理問題,桃園縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱縣環保局)規劃設置桃園縣公有暨民有民營廢棄物(灰渣)處理(掩埋)場(以下簡稱處理場),以解決未來灰渣處理之問題。
EngTitle The gray-dreg buries field environmental impact manual in the large pool area
EngAbstract Because the garbage buries field has been completed and began to operate. In order to deal with the grey dregs, the EPA of Tao-Yuan county layout to set up a gray-dreg buries field.Due to that the rubbish of Tao-Yuan county of peach incinerates the factory to already complete and operate, the construction that the manufacturer signs operates the agreement according to incinerating the factory and having one"s tender accepted in county government and rubbish of courtyard county of peach of peach institute, the Environmental Protection Agency needs to take the place of and deal with the bottom dust that the rubbish of garden county of peach incinerates after the factory incinerate free every year / the solidification thing of flying dust (hereafter referred to as the gray dreg ) add up to 115,000 metric tons, because all village and town city bury field saturated and or been close the saturation at present, it is unable to hold and enter into and bury rather than its gray dreg during China is long. So, in order to solve the handling problem of the gray dreg, environmental protection agency of county government of peach garden (hereafter referred to as county Environmental Protection Agency), it plans to be garden county publicly-owned to set up peach and the people have private offal (gray dreg ) to deal with (buries ) the field (hereafter referred to as and deal with the field), problem dealt with in order to solve the gray dreg of future.
ProjectYear 089
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局