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Title 八十九年度移動性污染源稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本管制計畫的實施期望能經由通知定檢、加強取締及宣導活動的舉辦,促使民眾養成機車定期保養維修的習慣,進而降低車輛廢氣之排放,以能有效地改善彰化縣的空氣品質。
EngTitle none
EngAbstract The objective of this project is to effectively improve the quality of air by several activities. These activities include periodic exam、strengthening the clamp down activities and educated activities, to train the public people to maintain their cars regularly.
ProjectYear 088
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 彰化縣環境保護局