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Title 八十八年固定污染源許可複審管制計畫
Abstract 期望藉由相關執行權責下放地方政府,以落實地方自治政策,及簡化行政流程,確保人民或公私場所之權益,進而促使許可制度的落實,並更有效管理與削減各類空氣污染物的排放,以改善台灣地區日趨惡化的環境品質,為進入未來空氣品質總量管制政策做先期準備工作。
EngTitle none
EngAbstract The objectives of this project include: (1) to carry out the local autonomy (2) to simplify the administrative flowchart (3) to insure the right of public people (4) to effectively manage and reduce the letting of air pollution, in order to improve the environmental quality in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 088
SponsorOrg 彰化縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 彰化縣環境保護局