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Title 重大公害糾紛敏感地區背景環境資料庫之建立
Abstract 環境公害的糾紛與鑑定處理,須賴良好完整的環境基本資訊協助,才便於釐清糾紛的因果關係,確定責任歸屬,解決紛爭。為建立此一基本資料庫,環保署於83年至85年間,委託農林航空測量所應用航測技術,調查並建立台灣地區重大公害糾紛敏感地區37個工業區的航照影像及其屬性資料。惟該項資料仍屬傳統的類比圖片型式,尚無法用電腦處理,故有必要予以數位化,建立電腦查詢系統,以便能提供速效的查詢功能,供解決公害糾紛與鑑定業務上使用。本計畫即緣此擬在彙整更新37個工業區的航空照片、實景圖等既有資料,並整合環保署督察大隊已完成的各種污染源稽查管制相關資訊,加入環保署已建好的「公害糾紛案情簡述」等敘述性既有資料,建立整合性簡明易用的電腦資料庫系統,以方便業務查詢,俾利公害鑑定時使用。計畫成果已全部電腦化,藉助「查詢系統」,可在電腦上直接查得各工業區的影像及其屬性資料,也可立即列印輸出。有關該系統的使用方法,請詳見「查詢系統使用概述」。
EngTitle Establishment of the Background Environment Database of the Important Public Nuisance Dispute Sensitive Area
EngAbstract The examination of the environmental nuisance quarrel depends on the integrated environmental basic information. According to the data, we can correct the disputes between the cause and effect, decide the obligation and resolve the problems. In order to create this basic database, from 1994 to 1996, the Environmental Protection Agency entrusted the Agricultural and Forestry Aerial Survey Institute to aerial photo and investigate the 37 Industrial Parks in Taiwan, where were the most sensitive to the nuisance. Owing to the analog data, it can not be used in computer processing. Therefore, all the data must be digitizing, set up query system for providing query function to resolve the nuisance and examination usage.This project collected the updating data including the aerial photos, real image maps of 37 Industrial Parks, integrated with the pollution source check control data from the Supervising Team, EPA.and the description data #Briefing on the Nuisance Dispute Cases#built by the EPA. The established computer database system is completed and easy to use It is convenient for inquiry and nuisance examination use. The results have all computerization. Users can search for the image and attribute data of each Industrial Parks with the assistance of
ProjectYear 085
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 林務局農林航空測量所