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Title 飲用水中氰化物及酚類之檢驗法專案研究計劃
Abstract 本計畫為執行「飲用水中氰化物及酚類之檢驗法」之驗証工作,分別於高雄、屏東地區採集自來水水樣,根據環保署所公告之方法,進行氰化物及酚類的檢驗分析,經由本計畫執行結果,提供環保署訂定「飲用水中氰化物及酚類檢驗」標準方法之依據。由本研究結果顯示:一、氰化物部份:飲用水中氰化物之檢驗,存在之干擾物一般以氯及硝酸鹽為主,在加入硫代硫酸鈉及氨基磺酸後,可有效地去除干擾,提升回收率。在0-200μg/L CN的範圍內所作之檢量線均可獲得極佳之線性關係(r2≧0.999),然大部份均有2-3μg/L CN之截距。在降低檢量線製作時所使用標準液之濃度(0~20或0~50μg/L CN)時,仍能獲得符合QA/QC要求之線性度,而且截距亦有降低。經過方法偵測極限分析結果,其MDL值在3~4μgL CN,較管制值10μg/L為小。而高雄、屏東地區之自來水水樣,其分析結果大多在方法偵測極限以下,故可以N.D.表示。整體而言,本方法驗証之結果令人滿意。二、酚類部份:當以Shimadzu UV-160A型,光徑1公分之石英樣品槽,波長460nm下,以「海水中總酚檢驗方法:分光光度計法」分析自來水水樣,檢量線之濃度範圍為3~35μg/L(Y=0.54+275.07X,R2=0.998)時,各自來水水樣之檢測值,幾乎均在檢量線最低濃度點(3/μg/L)以下,其檢測結果可能具有不確定性,可以N.D(N.D<3μg/L)表示。由本分析方法分析自來水水樣,經過方法偵測極限分析結果,其MDL值為2μg/L。達到QA/QC要求之檢測最低濃度為3μg/L,較飲用水中酚之管制標準1μg/L為高,故宜考慮以其他方法如GC或HPLC分析。
EngTitle Research Plan on the Inspection Method for the Cyanide and Hydroxybenzene in Drinking Water
EngAbstract The objective of this project is to implement the verification of the analytical methods of cyanide and phenol in drinking water. Based on the methods promulgated by EPA (Method 410.1 for cyanide and Method NIEA W521.20T for phenol) drinking water were sampled from Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas were analyzed for cyanide and phenol. It is expected that results from this project will serve as the basis of modifying the standard methods of analyzing cyanide and phenol in drinking water.Results from this research indicate:(1)for cyanide:In the analysis of cyanide in drinking water, most common interferences come from chlorine and nitrate, and these interferences can be effectively overcome by adding sodium thiosulfate and sulfamic acid. In Ihe range of 0-200μg/L as CN, calibration curves with very good linear relationship (r2≧0.999) can be achieved, but for most of the cases there are intercepts of 2-3μg/L CN. Under the conditions of lower standard cyanide solulions (0-20 or 0-50μg/L CN), the#r#value of meeting the QA/QC criteria can still be achieved, and the intercept become lower. It was found that, under this analylical melhod, the MDL (method detection method) was 3-4μg/L CN, and this was lower than the drinking water standard of 10μg/L CN: For most of the samples from Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas, the cyanide levels were below the MDL, and thus can be regarded as non-detectable(ND). Overall, verification of this method in the analysis of cyanide from drinking water is satisfactory.(2) for phenol:The Shimadzu $pectrophotomer Model UV-160A was used for the analysis of phenol from drinking water following the EPA Method NIEA W521.20T. Under the following conditions:1 cm light path460 nm wave lengthStandard solutions of 3-35μg/L as phenol (calibration curve:Y=0.54+275.07X, r2=0.998),
ProjectYear 083
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所、王碧、經濟部中央標準局等