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Title 地理資訊系統應用於流域整體性環境保護示範計畫-以中港溪流域為例
Abstract 地理資訊系統是目前最受重視的電腦輔助工具,可同時處理圖形資料與屬性資料,藉著視覺化的圖形介面展示、查詢、空間分析與出圖,因而全面提昇對環境現況的瞭解,對污染源的監控,從點、線的認知到全面性的流域審視,提供規劃與稽查人員更為容易接受的訊息,將可有效輔助推動環境保護階段性的工作。本計畫首度以中港溪流域為例,將地理資訊系統、衛星遙感探測及全球定位系統等三種技術所搜集建立之43類空間地理資料進行整合,可有效節省時間與人力,並即時對環境進行有效監督與管理。流域環境地理資訊系統(Watershed Environment Geographic Information System)乃針對環保署各業務處現行應用需求,提供各業務處現行業務較實際之示範性應用,並考慮後續發展彈性,所建立之示範性底層架構,有環境品質展示子系統、主題套繪分析子系統、圖籍管理查詢子系統與GlS常用功能等,可對於所建立之環境地理資料庫進行資料擷取、展示、套疊、分析、統計、輸出及管理,提供環境保護相關業務輔助資訊,此一系統運作模武及資料運作模式,將推廣至其他流域資料建置及應用,將能有效縮短資料建置時程,減少重覆作業摸索,並適用於各流域資料之展示活用。
EngTitle Geography Information System's Application into Drainage Area Integrated Environmental Protection Demonstration Plan-By Chungkang Drainage Area
EngAbstract Geographic Information System is one of the most popular computer-auxiliary tool for linking graphic and attributive data. By using graphic visualization-interface, all the following function, such as Information Display, Query, Spatial Analysis and Graphic Output, can be used to offer useful information on planning and monitoring. Furthermore, the over-view flow-chart for controlling the pollutant sources from point to line will supply the auxiliary information for step-by-step environmental protective work.The chungkang river watershed is the study area. After integrating CIS data, RS data and GPS data, we can have powerful monitor and management for Environment Protection Watershed Environment Geographic Information System (WEGIS) is established for EPA Demands. This WEGIS can offer real and useful application module, for instance, Environment-Quality-Display subsystem, Theme-Overlay-Analysis subsystem, Graphic-Data-Management-Query subsystem and CIS function. This system and the feature also can be appplied to other watershed in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 083
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 工研院能資所