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Title 99及100年度柴油車排煙管制計畫
Abstract 台灣的車輛密度相當高,其中柴油車因其低燃油成本及高馬力輸出的動力特性以及行走里程遠較一般車輛長,使得柴油車皆為商用車輛並且逐年增加其輛數。而其車輛所排放的黑煙除造成民眾觀感不佳外,其主要成分NMHC,CO,NOx以及PM為都市地區主要的空氣污染來源。為有效減少車輛所產生的污染,高雄市政府環境保護局特別針對使用中之柴油車採取嚴格管制策略,具體作法有加強路邊目視高污染車輛和增加路邊攔檢頻率等。本公司依照本計畫之主要執行目標及主要工作項目如下:100年度統計至12月共完成動力計檢測4,842輛次,其中不合格告發111輛次,柴油車納管率達100%;油品部份由於現行法規自100年7月1日起柴油油品含硫量標準由50ppm降為10ppm,故不論路攔送驗油品抑或加油站油品含硫量皆大幅降低,此外分別於燕巢和林園查獲兩家地下油行;民眾檢舉舉發件數為1,461件,較99年度304件增加近5倍,檢舉人之給獎比例高達100%;削減量部分,PM10削減約882公噸、NOx削減約8,479公噸,此兩者皆較以往削減量增加許多以望使高雄市空氣品質越趨改善。今年度特別配合環保局積極推動保檢合一並完成5家保養廠評鑑;澄清湖也在12月21日正式發文實施淨區管制;高雄市更有別於其他縣市實施路攔直上動力計以求最真實柴油車檢測數據。
EngAbstract The density of vehicles in Taiwan is very high. Of all vehicles, diesel vehicles, due to their lower fuel cost, dynamic property of high horsepower output, and longer driving mileage than general vehicles, are all mainly for business use, and the number of diesel vehicles increase year by year. Not only the black smoke emitted by these vehicles makes the general public have bad impression on them, the main ingredients in diesel, including non-methane-hydrocarbons (NMHC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM), are also the main sources of air pollution in urban areas.In order to effectively decrease the pollution produced from vehicles, Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government especially adopt strict control strategies towards the diesel vehicles in use. Concrete practices include strengthening of roadside visual watch of highly polluting vehicles and increase of frequency for roadside interception of vehicles for testing. The major implementation objectives and major working items done by the company according to the project are as follows:In a statistics made as of end December 2011, there were 4,842 vehicle-times tested by dynamometer, and 111 vehicle-times were found being failed in the test, with restriction rate of diesel vehicles reaching 100%. In the aspect of oil products, since the current laws stipulated that as from July 1, 2011, the standard sulfur content in diesel product should be reduced from 50ppm to 10ppm. Therefore, as collected from the oil products of vehicles intercepted at roadside and the oil product of gas station for testing, sulfur content was tremendously reduced. Besides, two illegal oil shops were found in Yanchao and Linyuan. And there were 1,461 cases reported of illegal by citizens, having increased by 5 times when compared with 304 cases in 2010. The distribution rate of rewards to the offence reporters was 100%. As to the aspect of emission reduction, emission of PM10 was reduced by around 882 metric tons, and emission of NOx was reduced by around 8,479 metric tons. The emission reduction of PM10 and NOx was increased a lot when compared with the past data. It is expected that the air quality of Kaohsiung City would be gradually improved.This year, collaboration was made with Environmental Protection Bureau to actively promote “maintenance-inspection in one” policy, and complete evaluation of five maintenance companies. Cheng Ching Lake also officially sent out a letter of application on Dec. 21, 2011 for implementation of regional purification and control. Kaohsiung City even has a practice different from other counties and cities that roadside interception of vehicles for dynamometer testing is implemented, intending to achieve the most authentic testing data of diesel vehicles.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司