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Title 百年琴瑟低碳婚禮工作計畫
Abstract 百年琴瑟低碳婚禮工作計畫專案工作計畫,爲將節能減碳觀念深入民眾心中,促進更多新人認識節能減碳之意義,以提升新人們利用創意作法辦理低碳婚禮之意願,更鼓勵新人發揮創意執行健康且環保之作法,使得新人們擁有獨一無二且永續創意之低碳婚禮,更可向參與低碳婚禮之賓客宣導節能減碳知識與分享籌辦低碳婚禮之經驗,進而以消費者端促使婚紗業者、餐飲業者及婚顧公司等相關產業響應低碳婚禮活動,以刺激全產業綠色消費行為。本計畫完成之工作項目包括:(一)辦理1場次低碳婚禮指引手冊審查會議;(二)蒐集並彙整入圍新人對低碳婚禮指引手冊之建議與意見;(三) 規劃並設計低碳婚禮海報及簡章各1份;(四)透過電子媒體或網路空間宣導「低碳婚禮」活動,並設計宣導資料網頁1處;(五)辦理全台各縣市「低碳婚禮」示範案例資料審查;(六)辦理北區低碳婚禮示範案例記者會暨成果發表會1場次;(七)辦理中區低碳婚禮示範案例記者會1場次。
EngTitle The Project of Low-Carbon Wedding in 2011
EngAbstract The project “Low-Carbon Wedding in 2011” not only aims to increase awareness of energy saving and carbon reduction, but also to inspire new marriages to be more willing to have unique low-carbon weddings with creative idea on environmental protection. In addition, the wedding effectively promotes green awareness and shares the experience of low-carbon wedding to the audiences. Moreover, by targeting consumers, the supply chain will be inspired to be involved in this event, so as to stimulate green consumption behavior in whole industry. The implementation of project is summarized as the following:1. Held one review meeting for handbook of low-carbon wedding.2. The new marriages selected to be candidates for low-carbon wedding demonstration, and their opinions for this handbook would be integrated into the suggestion of drafted handbook.3. Made a handbook for low-carbon wedding.4. Design a poster and brochure for Low-Carbon Wedding. 5. Promote the event “Low-Carbon Wedding” by assessing electric media and website; also design a website for announcing information.6. Examine the demonstration of low-carbon wedding held in every city.7. Held a press release for the performance of low carbon wedding demonstration located in north of Taiwan.8. Hold a press release for demonstration of low-carbon wedding in central of Taiwan. 9. Made a video for promoting low-carbon wedding.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會