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Title 飲用水水源與水質中新興污染物對人體健康風險評估之研究計畫(2/4)
Abstract 本計畫第二年度計畫執行延續第一年之成果,針對新興污染物中國內高科技產業排放於水體可能對人體健康有危害的物質,進行38項高科技產業排放污染物之毒理資料庫更新工作,並著重「健康效應」、「水體流佈」兩項數據之蒐集,彙整後以供環保署參考。為建立待列管污染物篩選程序,本計畫參考美國環保署第三階段待列管污染物候選清單篩選流程、紐西蘭飲用水標準、歐盟高度關注物質、以及國內毒化物管理推動現況等,研擬適用於我國國情之污染物篩選流程草案,再依照此流程篩選建議優先列入待列管污染物觀察清單之物質。計畫執行期間也彙整世界衛生組織和國際水協會水安全計畫之內容,以供自來水事業單位作為供水系統執行水安全評估作業之參考。 計畫執行期間共召開三次專家諮詢會,針對建議待列管污染物候選清單之篩選作業流程、建議優先列管污染物質是否合宜、列入觀察清單物質監測必要性、世界衛生組織之水安全計劃於國內實施之可行性、淨水廠之處理效能替代指標可行性等議題進行討論,計畫團隊對各專家學者所提各項建議亦多加以參考並納入計畫成果。計畫執行期間亦針對新竹科學園區及中部科學園區鄰近之6座淨水廠原水和淨水後水質現況,以及鄰近之霄裡溪沿岸4處民井水、寶山鄉5處地下水採樣點進行三次採樣,檢測金屬、鄰苯二甲酸酯類、環境荷爾蒙共28項物質。經由第一次分析結果顯示,於各地下水體中並未測得有污染疑慮之數據,加以部分淨水廠原水測得微量污染物,故於第二、三次採樣工作中減少民井之採樣數目,並增加兩座淨水廠的全淨水流程採樣。第二、三次金屬元素分析結果顯示部分水樣中可測得微量之鎵,未來需進一步調查是否為原水污染;三次酯類分析主要檢出物為BBP及DEHP,其中DEHP為社會大眾所關注之物質,故需特別注意其對飲用水水質安全之潛在影響;環境荷爾蒙分析結果顯示,淨水廠原水樣本中各待測物之濃度均低,但於地下水體可檢出微量PFOS和PFOA,此部分數據需進一步探討可能來源。
EngTitle The Survey and Health Risk Assessment of Emerging Contaminants in Water Sources and Drinking Water
EngAbstract The purpose of this second-year project was to investigate the impacts of metals, phthalates and endocrine disrupter substances in wastewater discharged from high-tech industries and their potential adverse effects on source water quality and human health. The project has updated the contents of the database concerning the chemical properties, toxicities and environmental occurrence of the 38 emerging contaminants potentially connected to the high-tech industries. Based on the development of Contaminant Candidate List 3 (CCL3) developed by the United States Environmental of Protection Agency, the Drinking Water Quality Standard in New Zealand, and Contaminants of Very High Concern in European Union, a screening process was proposed to evaluate, assess and screen the contaminant candidates list for chemicals to be regulated in drinking water quality standards. In addition, to evaluate the surveillance of water supply management, the Water Safety Plan of World Health Organization (WHO) and International Water Association (IWA) has been summarized, which can be used by water utilities for assessment of potential risks in their water supply systems. During the study, three advisory panel meetings were called and several related subjects were discussed. The panelists suggested that we should revise the proposed procedures for the screening of contaminant candidate lists, and cautions should be taken before adoptions of the Water Safety Plan of WHO for vulneralbilities assessments of water supply systems in Taiwan..The continuous investigations into the occurrences of emerging contaminants in drinking water, including the raw water, finish water, and purification treatment procedures, were taken from six water treatment plants located near the Hsinchu and Taichung Science Parks. Furthermore, the groundwater samples from Xiao-Li River and Baoshan Township were also collected and analyzed. The results showed that the metal element, Ga, was detected in several sampling sites and need to be further clarified. Benzylbutyl Phthalate (BBP) and Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) were also observed in several samples, including some raw water samples. Since di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) is highly concerned in public, further investigation is recommended to ensure the safety of drinking water. Moreover, for endocrine disrupters, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) were only appeared at trace levels in water treatment plants, but higher concentration was observed in some groundwater samples.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 毒管處
ExecutingOrg 國立台灣大學