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Title 港區空氣污染物管制策略研擬計畫
Abstract 環保署為改善國內港口的空氣品質,也為實現中美合作會議之承諾,環保署於98年推動「港區空氣污染物排放清冊建置及管制策略研擬」兩年計畫,完成國內5大商港之空氣污染排放清冊建置工作,並研擬港區潔淨空氣行動計畫,提出港區空氣污染管制措施建議,於今年推動延續計畫「港區空氣污染物管制策略研擬計畫」,以減少港區空氣污染物排放,達到保護空氣品質之目的。本報告已完成檢討我國五大商港(基隆港、臺北港、臺中港、高雄港及花蓮港)99年基準年及100~110年未來年港區排放清冊並修訂,並更新排放量資料,主要著重在排放係數資料取得、推估方法及參數更新,以及操作資料的取得及檢核,並審視排放量推估結果於更新維護前後之差異性。本年度執行各港空氣污染排放清冊更新維護工作後,結果顯示仍以高雄港的排放量為最高,其次為臺中港、基隆港及臺北港,花蓮港的排放量最低。各港不同排放源的排放量均以遠洋船舶的排放量最高,幾乎均佔90%以上的排放量,僅VOC及CO的比例稍低,但仍介於22%~80%之間。更新前後排放量比較結果顯示,更新後排放量基隆港、花蓮港及高雄港較更新前低(以NOx為例,分別為-2.2%、-1.0%、-1.0%),而臺北港及臺中港則較更新前稍高(以VOC為例,分別為8.9%、2.9%)。本計畫分別為交通及環保兩大主管機構分別訂定相關管制策略,依交通單位權責擬定四項管制策略,分別為「遠洋船舶20浬減速至12節以下(優先順序1) 」、「遠洋船舶使用低硫油品(優先順序2)」、「港勤船舶使用低硫油品(優先順序3)」、「遠洋船舶停泊時使用岸電系統(優先順序4)」。環保單位則是提出促進港區重型車輛自主管理參與率、規劃查核船舶油品的標準作業程序,針對縣/市管制計畫提出「建立聯合巡查制度」、「提升管制策略落實度」、「建立空氣品質淨化區制度」、「整合重型車輛自主管理資料庫」及「辦理工作會議/座談會」等建議。在經驗交流方面,本計畫於101年2月派員至美國洛杉磯港口參加第三屆泛太平洋港口清淨空氣合作會議( Third Pacific Ports Clean Air Collaborative Conference, 簡稱PPCAC),該會議匯聚全球各地125個參與者,就供應鏈環保、對抗氣候變遷和尋找環保創新商機等相關議題討論。另於7月24~27日邀請美國環保署國際事務處T氏(Mr. Luis Troche)、美國環保署M氏(Ms. Penelope McDaniel)來臺,一連四天於臺北、高雄舉行「中美港口空氣品質夥伴關係專案系列活動」,透過圓桌會議、實地港區參訪等形式,在此議題上分享彼此的經驗。101年9月於臺北、高雄舉行兩場「港區空氣污染管制策略座談會」及臺北一場「港區空氣污染管制策略專家諮詢會」,會中獲取航運界相當多的實務經驗及建言,皆已納入參考修正管制策略方向及期程。
EngTitle Planning of Port Air Pollutants Control Strategies
EngAbstract EPA, ROC, initiated the “Establishment of Port Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory and Drafting of Management Strategies” project in 2009. The goal of the project is to improve air quality of port district in the country and also to fulfill the USA and ROC agreements in the “Port Air Quality Partnership Convention“. The project has established the pollutant emissions inventory for 5 major commercial harbors in the country. Additionally, the project also has formulated appropriate clean air action plan, proposed recommendations regarding air pollution control measures in port districts.This report has revised the emission inventory of 5 commercial harbors (Keelung, Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Hualien Harbor) using 2010 as baseline and predict emissions of 2011 to 2021. Processes includes checking new emission factors, reviewing estimating methods and parameters, and inspecting operating data are used to revise the inventory.The resulted figures showed that Kaohsiung Harbor still has the largest emissions, followed by Taichung, Keelung, Taipei and Hualien Harbor. Each port showed that ocean vessels have the largest emission which almost occupied 90% of total emissions of all pollutants except VOC and CO which occupied 22%~80%. Compared to emissions before, the revised emissions showed decreased in Keelung, Hualien and Kaohsiung Harbor (e.g., NOx decreased -2.2%, -1.0%, -1.0%, respectively). However, revised emissions showed increased in Taipei and Taichung Harbor (e.g., VOC increased 8.9% and 2.9%, respectively).This project suggested control strategies for two main groups of authorities. For transportation authorities, suggested strategies are: OGV speed reduces to less than 12 knots within 20 nm from port (first priority), OGV switches to use low sulfur fuel (2nd priority), Harbor craft switches to use low sulfur fuel (3rd priority), and OGV uses shore-power while at berth (4th priority). For environmental protection authorities, suggested strategies are: promote participating of heavy vehicles into self-management, vessel fuel inspection plan. And suggested including following measures into local control plan: establish union inspection system, promote executive of control strategy, establish clean air quality district, combine heavy vehicles self-management database, and held information meetings or conferences.As for experiences sharing, the project participated “Third Pacific Ports Clean Air Collaborative Conference, PPCAC” on February 2012. Among 125 participants, topics about sustainable supply chain, global climate change, opportunities on new environmental protection issues are discussed. And at 24-27 July 2012, Mr. Luis Troche and Ms. Penelope McDaniel were invited to participated workshops and round table meetings with port and environmental protection authorities in Taiwan. This project also held 2 forums for the harbor authorities and their tenants on September 2012. And an advisory conference was held with experts in the field of air pollution or harbor issues also on September 2012. Valuable suggestions and opinions were collected from these forums and conference.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 景丰科技股份有限公司