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Title 精進機關綠色採購及環保標章制度計畫專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫目標為(1)檢討機關綠色採購推動方案執行情形及研擬精進措施、(2)追蹤管理環保標章及第二類環境保護產品之品質及環保性能、(3)環保標章驗證機制研擬及訂定驗證機構管理要點、(4)評析99年綠色消費體驗券試辦成效,研擬後續推動可行性及措施。成果分述如下:(一)檢討機關綠色採購推動方案執行情形及研擬精進措施1.完成99年度機關綠色採購績效評核-初評作業及15場機關現場訪查,提出機關推動綠色採購改善建議。2.完成研擬101至102年機關綠色採購績效評核標準(草案)及101至102年指定採購項目(草案)。3.於11月21日至11月30日辦理四場次機關綠色採購評核作業說明會及支援「政府綠色採購網路申報」教育訓練10場次。4.完成蒐集研析各國政府綠色採購法規及推動情形,參酌分析美國、英國及日本環境宣告指引,經十四次編審會議,完成研訂我國綠色生活與綠色消費指引。(二)追蹤管理環保標章及第二類環境保護產品之品質及環保性能1.針對市售水性塗料、塑膠類管材、洗衣清潔劑、聚烯類藥用輸液容器等12項環保標章規格標準,完成91件產品抽樣檢測,並針對檢驗不符合規定之4件產品,進行後續追蹤查核及複驗作業。2.已協助20件環境保護產品採樣作業、完成16件環保標章產品冒用追蹤及複驗查核作業及10家次綠色商店查核。(三)環保標章規格標準訂定及驗證作業精進措施1.完成蒐集有機農產品、綠建材標章、電信管制射頻器材、節能標章、省水標章及商品檢驗等驗證機構認證作業及產品驗證作業相關規定,包含申請資格、申請程序、追蹤管理、收費標準、有效期限等,並瞭解整體運作模式,做為環保標章制度調整之參考依據。2.參考國內驗證機構認證作業及產品驗證作業相關規定,完成擬提環境保護產品驗證機構管理作業要點(草案),包含:驗證機構資格、遴選認可規定、驗證審查作業、管理措施及驗證產品收費標準等規範。(四)評析99年綠色消費體驗券試辦成效,研擬後續推動可行性及措施1.完成99年綠色消費體驗券試辦成果評析及推廣通路評析,蒐集並評析韓國綠色信用卡、日本環保家電積分制度之實施內容與成效。2.完成100年綠色消費體驗券執行方式規劃及評估未來發行票券的型式,提出推動環保產品卡之短、中、長程建議。
EngTitle The Improvement Project for Institutional Green Procurement and Greenmark system
EngAbstract The goals of this project are: (1) to review the current status of the institutional green procurement project and to research the improvement measures, (2) to monitor and manage the green mark system and the quality and environmental functionality of the second category of the environmental product, (3) to research the green mark certification procedure and to stipulate the method for managing the certification institution, and (4) to evaluate the effectiveness of the 2010 green consumption experience coupon, and to research the follow-up promotion feasibility and measures. The report concludes as follows:1.To evaluate the current status of the institutional green procurement project and to research the improvement measures:A.To complete the 2010 institutional green procurement performance evaluation. The preliminary evaluation included 15 institutional on-site evaluations, and the proposal of improvement suggestions.B.To research the draft criteria for the evaluation of the 2012 to 2013 institutional green procurement performance, and the proposed designated procurement items.C.To hold four institutional green procurement evaluation seminars and ten training courses of the government green procurement on-line declaration.D.To collect and research information regarding the national green procurement laws and current status, including the environmental declaration guidelines from the United States, the Britain, and Japan, and to complete the national green life and green consumption guidelines for Taiwan.2.To monitor and manage the green mark system and the quality and the environmental functionality of the second category of the environmental products:A.To complete the sampling and examination of ninety-one samples for twelve green mark standards, including the water-based paint, the plastic pipes, the laundry detergent, and the medicinal infusion polyolefin containers. Four samples were found unqualified, and were followed-up and reexamined.B.To assist the sampling of twenty green products, and to complete the reexamination of sixteen cases of fraudulent use of the green mark, and the examination of ten green business establishments.3.To stipulate the green mark certification criteria and to improve the certification method:A.To collect information related to the organic agricultural product, the green construction material mark, the telecom regulatory RF equipment, the energy-saving mark, and the water-saving mark. To collect information related to the certification procedure of the commercial product inspection institution and the commercial product inspection procedure, including application qualification, the application procedure, the management procedure, the fee standard, and the expiration date, as reference for improving the green mark system.B.To propose the management measure of the green product certification institution, including the qualification of the certification institution, the selection criteria, the verification procedure, the management measures, and the verification fee standard.4.To evaluate the effectiveness of the 2010 green consumption experience coupon, and to research the follow-up promotion feasibility and measures:A.To evaluate the effectiveness of the 2010 green consumption experience coupon and the distribution channels. To collect the information related to the Korean green credit card, and the Japanese green household appliance grading system.B.To propose the 2011 green consumption experience coupon plan, and to evaluate the alternatives of potential coupon distribution methods. To propose the short-term, the middle-term, and the long-term suggestions for the green product credit card system.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會