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Title 廢棄物清理法與資源回收再利用法整合立法及相關配套法規研訂計畫
Abstract 我國目前對於廢棄物與再生資源分別訂定有「廢棄物清理法」(以下簡稱廢清法)及「資源回收再利用法」(以下簡稱資再法)予以管理,但因廢清法以有效清除、處理廢棄物之環境末端管理為管制目的,而資再法則以促進物質回收再利用及源頭減量管理為主要立法精神,造成部分名詞定義及管理方式不一致之問題。衡量「廢棄物預防與減量、回收再利用及最終廢棄處理」的過程,應屬不可分割的過程,且避免就同一事項重複立法造成民眾無所適從,乃有將「廢清法」與「資再法」兩法整合立法(以下簡稱二法合一)之倡議,故93年張前署長指示將「廢清法」及「資再法」整併為一法,開始資源循環利用法立法工作。
EngTitle The integration of Waste Disposal Act and Resources Recycling and Reuse Act and legislation of relat
EngAbstract Nowadays, our country use the “Waste Disposal Act” and the “Resources Recycling and Reuse Act” as the main laws to manage matters of removal and reduce waste, promote recycling and reuse of material. However, these two acts have different definition of terms and ways of waste management which competing against each other constantly. Considering waste prevention, reduction, recycling and final disposal is an indivisible process, the society began to think about the integration of these two acts and initiated a new act call the “Resources Recycling Act (Draft)”.The “Resources Recycling Act” is based on the concept of material life cycle and has 10 chapters and 110 articles in total. In order to complete the legislative procedure successfully, this project analyzed not only the management concept of the “Waste Disposal Act” and the “Resources Recycling and Reuse Act”, but also the frame of all other relevant regulations. The accomplishments of this project include completion of management structure of the new draft law and it’s original sub-regulations, defined the term of the proposed new sub-laws, established a comparison chart for both old and new articles, and regulated the guidelines of whether the old sub-law should be included into the new act or not.Moreover, the regulation of the enforcement rules depends on the fact that whether the content of the new law has authorized governments to set rules or not. If the provisions of this act are unclear or need to add more supplement, new rules will be added into the enforcement rules in order to complete the “Resources Recycling Enforcement Rules”, which contained 20 articles. While formulating the enforcement rules, this program completed: (1) regulating provisions about industrial wastes which require special management. For example, if industrial waste will be temporary deposited for over one year, enterprises will be charged for security deposit which will be used as removal cost when enterprises fail to disposal wastes properly; (2) developing training management for people who are responsible for waste removal; (3) setting rules about lifting bans against enterprises for temporary or permanent closing; (4) regulating guidelines of managing closed landfill facility and focus on pollution prevention; (5) formulating management rules of allowing raw materials or product manufacturers to recycle their waste resources; (6) collecting and researching cases about the violation of the “Waste Disposal Act” and illegitimate enrichment. Also analyzing the verification of recovery of illicit profits, methods of estimation, administrative procedures and penalty principle in order to elaborate the “Penalty Increasing for Violation of Resource Cycle Act”, with a total of 8 articles. Then give the idea of increasing penalty in the content of “Violation of Waste Disposal Act Implementation Guidelines for Daily Continuous Punishment”, with a total of 11 provisions.As for the enforcement guidelines for the transition from the “Waste Disposal Act” and the “Resources Recycling and Reuse Act” to the “Resources Recycling Act”, this project completed the “Resource Recycling Act Promulgated Transition Period Implementation Guidelines”, with a total of 32 points, included rules about transition period, supporting measures and procedures of implementation.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會