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Title 國內外溫室氣體最新減量技術應用及案例分析追蹤專案計畫
Abstract 本計畫首先藉進行碳捕集及封存資訊整合分析,研析現行國際最新溫室氣體減量技術之相關法規與技術訂定規範,並舉行「溫室氣體減量技術國際研討會」,且派員參加「IEA第二屆富氧燃燒討論會」,瞭解實務經驗以協助進行策略聯盟推動作業。其次,為瞭解國內外溫室氣體減量技術發展與減量成本,本計畫彙整國內外與溫室氣體排放相關之能源統計資料,以能源供給面、需求面、使用轉換效率與經濟效率四面向進行分析,更進一步彙整與分析煉油產業、烯烴生產、紙漿與造紙業、汽電共生製程等4個行業別之國際最佳可行技術與溫室氣體減量技術資訊,且分析國內石油煉製業、石化業、電力供應業與紙漿造紙業等4大業別之自願減量成本與減量措施,以瞭解各業別減量成本之差異。本計畫同時協助分析及審查5件環評開發行為之個案,協助個案背景分析(含製程技術分析)及案件之審查意見,確認資料完整性與正確性,並依據溫室氣體排放量化評估、減量措施分析量化及溫室氣體盤查、查證、登錄之規劃等三大方向進行審查作業,並要求開發單位依據上述規範提出具體承諾及期程以利後續監督追蹤作業,另協助3件環評溫室氣體減量及抵換個案之追蹤查核作業,包括溫室氣體減量期程、溫室氣體減量效益、溫室氣體減量措施現況、相關佐證資料、盤查查證登錄作業情形及後續查核事項之確認等,並研提各案件之查核報告書。此外,本計畫針對碳捕集及封存技術與策略聯盟推動作業與最佳可行技術與溫室氣體減量成本資訊召開共5場次之專家學者諮詢會議,並針對最新溫室氣體減量技術舉辦8場次教育訓練課程。
EngTitle The Latest Domestic and International Greenhouse Gas Reduction Technologies Application and Cases St
EngAbstract This scheme reviews the international legislations and technologies of carbon capture and storage (CCS) to support the development of domestic strategic alliance. Representative attended the “IEA Second Oxygen-Enriched Combustion Workshop” with the purpose of clarifying the possible difficulties and updating the latest practical experience. The newest information was discussed in the “Greenhouse Gas (GHGs) Reduction Technologies International Workshop” and associated consulting meeting by experts and researchers.The statistical data of cross-countries’ energy usage and GHGs emissions are analyzed in this scheme in terms of supply/demand and energy conversion efficiency/energy economic output efficiency to re-examine the policy of GHGs management. In turns, this scheme reviews the international best available techniques (BAT) and available technologies for GHGs reduction for the four industries/suppliers, the oil refiners, the olefin suppliers, pulp and paper industries and the combined heat and power system, respectively. The BAT reference documents of GHGs reductions for the industries/suppliers above-mentioned are constructed as consequences. Also, the costs of voluntary GHGs reduction measures of the oil refiners, the petrochemicals, the electricity suppliers and the pulp and paper industries at domestic level are analyzed in the scheme so as to formulate effective environment-related policies.To assist with analysis and review the individual case of GHGs emissions evaluation and case tracking, this scheme has examined five cases of environment development activities and three tracking cases have been checked with report for each individual case. Finally, five experts consulting meetings and a series of training programs are held so as to support the issues about the CCS strategic alliance and BAT and GHG abatement cost.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 溫室氣體減量管理辦公室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人中華經濟研究院