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Title 「使用中汽油車排氣檢驗及保養制度推動」專案工作計畫
Abstract 國內使用中汽油小客車數已達590萬輛,其排氣品質係由公路監理機關執行定檢來把關。鑑於國際間推動汽車保檢合一制度已行之有年,為使我國汽車管制措施與國際接軌,本計畫參考歐美日各國保檢合一制度執行方式與管制趨勢,建立我國使用中OBD-I/M制度。規劃於保檢合一架構下導入OBD定期檢驗,並輔以車廠回饋OBD檢查維修資訊,加強使用中汽油車OBD系統之應用,提升使用中汽油車管制品質。另針對定期檢測不合格車輛,要求應至認證維修廠檢修後才可複測,加強納管空氣污染防制元件狀態,以及確立我國汽修廠檢修能力。今年度使用中汽車定檢業務,達成進一步與監理機關劃分權責,其中排氣污染檢驗作業仍委由監理機關維持現狀,本計畫則著重於維修保養成效探討,後續擬逐步導入定檢品質檢校,以及辦理品質管制教育訓練,藉由分權管制策略,逐步提升我國汽車維修保養品質。今年度延續99年度100車次研究測試,持續租用測試不合格車輛,送至原廠檢查並維修後再行測試。測試結果發現非原廠排氣管幾乎不具有污染減量效果, 而原廠觸媒轉化器可能會因後續維修保養不善,導致快速劣化。由測試結果可知,全新觸媒轉化器具有最佳污染改善效果,然出產10年以上之車型其觸媒轉化器多已停產,建議原廠應評估延長觸媒備品期限,並於進廠檢查項目中納入觸媒轉化器,查驗結果亦可回饋相關單位之稽查作業。
EngTitle Work plan of project to promote the Emission I/M System for gasoline-fueled vehicle in use
EngAbstract The number of domestic gasoline-fueled passenger car in use has reached 5,900,000 cars while the emission quality thereof is controlled by the Highway Supervision & Administration Authority by carrying out the periodic inspection. In the light of that the automotive maintenance/inspection system has been promoting internationally for many years, and in order to bring the vehicle control measure in R.O.C. in line with the international practice, this project refers to the implementing approach and the control trend from the maintenance/inspection system in Europe, U.S.A. and Japan; and establishes the OBD-I/M system in use in R.O.C. Also, this project leads in the OBD periodic inspection, asks the car manufacturer’s service shop to feed back the information of OBD inspection & maintenance, enhance the application of OBD system to the gasoline-fueled & in-use vehicle, upgrade the control quality for the gasoline-fueled & in-use vehicle. In addition, for those vehicles that fail to pass the periodic inspection; they shall be mandated to be inspected & repaired at a certified repair & maintenance service shop for a re-inspection so as to reinforce the control for the condition of air pollution control element and establish the inspection & repair capability for the automotive repair plant in R.O.C.In 2011, the authority & responsibility of superintendence unit has been further demarcated for thereof periodic inspection operation of vehicle in use; therein, the inspection operation for emission pollution remains unchanged to be handled by the superintendence unit as before. This project focuses on the exploration for the effectiveness of repair & maintenance; and plans to lead in the quality management operation for periodic inspection and hold the education & training for quality assurance and quality control step by step subsequently; thus the automotive inspection and repair/maintenance quality can be escalated through the strategy of decentralization of authority.The 100-vehicle research test in 2010 was continued in 2011; that is, to continue to rent the vehicles that fail to pass the test, send them to the vehicle-manufacturer’s factory for service and then redo the test. It is found out from the test results that exhaust pipes that are not made by the manufacturer of vehicle almost have no pollution reduction effect; and the catalytic converter from the vehicle manufacturer has been rapidly deteriorated due to improperly subsequent repair & maintenance. As learned from the test outcomes, a brand new catalytic converter has the best pollution improvement effect; however, the production for the catalytic converter mounted in the vehicle model used for more than 10 years has been stopped. Therefore, it is recommended that the vehicle manufacturers should extend the due time for their spare parts of catalytic converter, cover the catalytic converter as one item in the factory checklist, and feed back the inspection result to the relevant units for audit operation.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 春迪企業股份有限公司