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Title 100年度清潔人員安全教育演練委託專案工作計畫
Abstract 中文摘要 我國自90年起推動降災中程計畫及全國職場233減災方案等減災策略,迄97年已有效促使全產業職災死亡百萬人率下降53%,職災失能百萬人率下降49%;減災雖有初步成效,惟相較於歐、美、日等先進國家仍有相當之差距,顯示我國在減災工作上仍有努力之空間。為保障勞工工作安全,並營造安全的工作環境,促使職業災害率加速降低,達到美、日等工安標竿國家之水準。藉由「宣導、檢查、輔導」三合一之檢查策略,並配合安全伙伴合作計畫的推動,結合雇主、相關團體與政府的資源及組織力量,共同建構防災體系;另針對職場作業之第一線勞工,藉由宣導及教育訓練,提升其防災知能。 本計畫目標有二,第一係建置清潔人員工作標準作業程序、研擬工作環境及使用設備之安全防護改善措施,並精進地方督導管理方式,落實清潔人員安全保障;第二為積極辦理基層清潔人員安全衛生教育訓練,使執行職務意外發生率降低,並以零事故為最終目標。
EngTitle Working plan of safety education training for trash cleaning workers
EngAbstract Abstract Since 2001, the government has implemented such strategies as accident reduction mid-term program and the program of accident-decrease in working places nationwide . Until 2008, these strategies have effectively decreased the death rate by 53% and the disabled rate by 49%. Though the policy seems successful, there is still much to improve compared with the policy implemented in European countries,USA and Japan. To protect labors from getting hurt in working places and create a safe working environment, it’s urgent to cooperate between employers, related groups and government agencies. This research has two goals. First, we want to set up a standard operation procedures for trash cleaning workers. Second, we want to provide education training for trash cleaning workers.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 督察總隊
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境永續發展基金會