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Title 政策永續性評估制度建置之研究
Abstract 為能事前評估政策對我國環境、社會與經濟之影響,本計畫將研析OECD與國際永續發展評估方法,研擬適合我國之評估機制與評估準則,並試辦政策評估,累積實務經驗,以建立我國推動政策永續性評估之制度。此外,本計畫亦廣泛收集Rio+20地球高峰會議相關資訊與我國永續發展之成效,進而研擬我國參與RIO +20模式,並與撰寫「我國推動永續發展之重要成效」文件,提供行政院環保署參與該大會之參考。
EngTitle Research of Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) Establishment
EngAbstract For the purpose of evaluating environmental, social and economic impact of policies, the research project aims at establishing domestic “Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA)”. By reviewing and analyzing the SIA system executed in OECD and different countries, the project will draft an assessing mechanism and criteria suitable to developing situation in Taiwan. In addition, in order to synthesize fruitful results of locally sustainable development as well as to assist TEPA, on behalf of Taiwan government, in participating in “Rio+20: UN Conference on Sustainable Development”, the project will also compose “Report of Sustainable Development in Taiwan” as an important document revealing the achievements in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 永續發展室
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會