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Title 100年度第一柴油車排煙檢測站興建及營運示範計畫期末報告
Abstract 由於經濟的快速成長,使用柴油車輛也急遽增加,造成道路交通之空氣污染愈形嚴重。所以為配合環保局柴油車輛排放管制策略的運作,達成「空氣污染防制法」之目標,從主要污染源柴油車下手:就其使用中的現況,透過定期檢驗管制與調修改善,以有效改善桃園縣空氣污染,達成環境保護之成效。本計畫將以桃園縣柴油車為主,以目視判煙、民眾檢舉、代驗外縣市等方式通知轄區內柴油車到站檢測。
EngTitle Final Report for the first stage of scheme to construct the diesel vehicle emission inspection station and thereof demonstrative administration in 2011
EngAbstract In the wake of rapid growth in economy, the number of in-use diesel vehicle has been increasingly growing as well which contributes serious air pollution to the road traffic. Consequentially, as an effort to coordinate with the strategy manipulated by Environmental Protection Bureau to control the emission of diesel vehicle and achieve the goal of 「Air Pollution Control Act」, the major source of pollutants, diesel vehicle, was targeted as an inception of control:In view of the existing situation of diesel vehicles currently in use, regular inspection, control, tuning and maintenance have been enforced in a bid to effectively reduce the air pollution around Taoyuan County and accomplish the effect of environmental protection. The Scheme was to mainly focus on the diesel vehicles under the jurisdiction of Taoyuan County. Owners of diesel vehicles were told to drive their vehicles to Station for inspection when notified in a manner of emission violation by visual inspection, accusation to authority by the public and notices from entrusted institutions of other city/county governments, etc.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 桃園縣政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 茂迪環境有限公司