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Title 99年度戴奧辛(含重金屬)稽查檢測及管理業務
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容為執行高雄縣內固定污染源之戴奧辛與重金屬採樣檢測分析、清查戴奧辛排放源是否符合法規規範、建立戴奧辛污染排放管制策略規範。主要成果如下:1.稽查檢測20根次煙道PCDD/Fs濃度之對象中,包含大型垃圾焚化爐2根次、中小型焚化爐4根次、醫療廢棄物焚化爐2根次、電弧爐1根次、其他金屬二級冶煉1根次、鋁二級冶煉5根次、氯乙烯化學製造程序2根次、其他化學造程序1根次、鍋爐蒸氣產生程序1根次、鍋爐發電程序1根次。大型垃圾焚化爐、中小型焚化爐、醫療廢棄物焚化爐、電弧爐、其他金屬二級冶煉、鋁二級冶煉、氯乙烯化學製造程序、其他化學造程序、鍋爐蒸氣產生程序、鍋爐發電程序之煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ濃度平均值分別為0.020、0.045、0.064、0.052、0.019、0.038、0.243、0.006、0.089、0.006 ng I-TEQ/Nm3,各稽查檢測值均符合法規排放標準。2.大型垃圾焚化爐、中小型焚化爐、醫療廢棄物焚化爐、電弧爐、其他金屬二級冶煉、鋁二級冶煉、氯乙烯化學製造程序、其他化學造程序、鍋爐蒸氣產生程序、鍋爐發電程序之煙道廢氣中總PCDD/Fs I-TEQ排放係數平均值為0.139、0.257、1.01、0.362、7.31、0.412、0.965、0.005、0.659、0.055 μg I-TEQ/ton。3.高雄縣轄區100年度總PCDD/Fs排放量約為1.934 g-TEQ/年,其中以燃煤鍋爐所佔貢獻最多(45%)。80根次排放口之法規符合度查核中,部分工廠有查核缺失,如福泰保利龍和仁武鄉公所鄉立殯葬管理所未記錄設備操作數值,昇元鋁業和冠帝興業為現場查核時設備元件異常,已要求改善。4.稽查檢測20根次煙道重金屬濃度之對象中,包含中小型焚化爐5根次、醫療廢棄物焚化爐1根次、集塵灰冶煉回收製程1根次、鋁二級冶煉業9根次、燃煤鍋爐1根次及鍋爐發電程序3根次,煙道廢氣中鉛濃度平均值分別為0.0434、0.0325、0.0464、0.0381、0.0364、0.0133 mg/Nm3;鎘濃度除鋁二級冶煉ALS-8檢出為0.0523 mg/Nm3,其它煙道均為ND(未檢出);中小型焚化爐IWI-3、鋁二級冶煉ALS-10和鍋爐汽電共生CFB-1之汞濃度分別為0.156、0.0037和0.0011 mg/Nm3,其餘廠家汞濃度皆為ND。其中IWI-3(P001)煙道之汞排放濃度0.156 mg/Nm3為超出排放標準(0.1 mg/Nm3),環保局已進行處分並命其限期改善,其餘各家煙道重金屬檢測結果則皆符合排放標準。5.中小型焚化爐、醫療廢棄物焚化爐、集塵灰冶煉回收製程、鋁二級冶煉、燃煤鍋爐及鍋爐發電程序之煙道廢氣中之鉛排放係數平均值分別為0.446、0.691、2.19、0.771、0.304、0.127 g/ton;鎘排放係數之鋁二級冶煉ALS-8為1.03 g/ton;中小型焚化爐IWI-3、鋁二級冶煉ALS-10和鍋爐汽電共生CFB-1之汞排放係數分別為0.0167、0.0724、0.00919 g/ton。6.本計畫20根次稽查對象之重金屬年排放量推估結果,可知鋁二級冶煉製程、集塵灰熱回收、鍋爐汽電共生程序及燃煤鍋爐發電廠具有排放重金屬鉛之潛勢,其個別鉛年排放量甚至高於其他列管污染源(中小型焚化爐和醫療廢棄物焚化爐)。7.針對轄區內4處固定污染源場所,由專家學者會同環保局至現場評鑑後,並提供廠方PCDD/Fs減量改善建議。其煜豐鋁業、東豐纖維及台灣氯乙烯三廠因上一年度稽查結果超標,故列為本計畫減量輔導對象,並於今年度進行PCDD/Fs稽查檢測,結果皆符合PCDD/Fs法規排放標準,確認各廠改善完成。但後續仍應針對進料組成控管及防制設備定期維護。台塑仁武廠氯乙烯製程之PCDD/Fs檢測雖無排放超標情形,但根據歷年檢測資料結果發現今年度檢測濃度有明顯增加趨勢,主要因廢氣來源成份變化大,建議該廠應進行進料來源組成追蹤及防制設備操作條件調整。
EngTitle 2010-Monitoring and management of dioxin and heavy metal in Kaohsiung county
EngAbstract This project investigated the emission of dioxin and heavy metal sampled from stationary sources in Kaohsiung County. Major works included the emission source sampling of dioxin and heavy metals, the emission source inquiry of dioxin, and the control strategy building of dioxin. The achievements of this project are described as below:1.The existing emission sources of dioxin were surveyed, including 2 MSWIs, 4 IWIs, 2 MWIs, 1 EAF, 1 MMS, 5 ALS, 2 VCMs, 1 OTHER, 1 WFB and 1 CFB. The mean total PCDD/Fs concentrations of stationary sources MSWI, IWI, MWI, EAF, MMS, ALS, VCM, OTHER, WFB and CFB were 0.020, 0.045, 0.064, 0.052, 0.019, 0.038, 0.243, 0.006, 0.089, 0.006 ng I-TEQ/Nm3, respectively. All of them are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA.2.The PCDD/F emission factors of stationary sources MSWI, IWI, MWI, EAF, MMS, ALS, VCM, OTHER, WFB and CFB were 0.139, 0.257, 1.01, 0.362, 7.31, 0.412, 0.965, 0.005, 0.659, 0.055 μg I-TEQ/ton.3.The estimated total annual emission of PCDD/Fs from these emission sources in Kaohsiung County was 1.934 g I-TEQ/yr. Major PCDD/Fs contribution source was CFB (45%). For the emission source inquiry of dioxin, Fu-Tai and Ren-Wu cremation are no record the operating conditions of the equipment. The equipment elements of Sheng-Yuan and Guan-Di were unnormal.4.The existing emission sources of heavy metals were surveyed, including 5 IWIs, 1 MWI, 1 DUC, 9 ALS, 1 WFB, and 3CFBs. The mean total Pb concentrations of stationary sources IWIs, MWI, DUC, ALS, WFB, and CFBs were 0.0434, 0.0325, 0.0464, 0.0381, 0.0364, 0.0133 mg/Nm3, respectively. The Cd concentrations for mos stacks were lower than instrument detection limit except for ALS-8 (0.0523 mg/Nm3). The Hg concentrations for IWI-3, ALS-10 and CFB-1 were 0.156, 0.0037, 0.0011 mg/Nm3, respectively; others were non-detected (ND). Moreover, The Hg concentration for IWI-3 (0.156 mg/Nm3) is higher than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA (0.1 mg/Nm3).5.The emission factors of Pb for IWIs, MWI, DUC, ALS, WFB, and CFB were 0.446, 0.691, 2.19, 0.771, 0.304, 0.127 g/ton, respectively. The emission factor of Cd for ALS-8 is 1.03 g/ton. The emission factor of Hg for IWI-3, ALS-10, and ALS-10 were 0.0167, 0.0724, and 0.00919 g/ton, respectively.6.The results of annual emissions of heavy metals indicated that ALS, DUC, WFB and CFBs have an emission potential for Pb. these Pb annual emissions are even more than that of IWIs and MWIs.7.The project invited the experts to give some evaluations and suggestions for 4 stationary sources in Kaohsiung County. The sampling results indicated that Yu-Fong, Dong-Feng and Tiwan VCM had some improvements due to PCDD/Fs values are lower than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. However, they need to strengthen for improving the operation of feedstock and control equipment. The results sampled from VCM process of Tai-Su (Renwu Dist) indicated that the PCDD/Fs concentration is not higher than the regulation limit of Taiwan EPA. The PCDD/Fs concentration in this year (2011) is higher than that of recent years due to the varied flue gas composiotion. The experts suggested VCM process of Tai-Su (Renwu Dist) to check the feedstock composition and to revise the operating condition of air pollution control equipment.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 正修科技大學