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Title 建國百年全國環保志(義)工趣味運動會專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫之目標為藉由舉辦「建國百年全國環保志(義)工趣味運動會」,展現環保志(義)工的活力,激勵環保志(義)工之榮譽感,凝聚全國環保志(義)工的向心力,以利其協助各項環保工作之推動,並提昇運動風氣。本次運動會於12月24日在中央大學舉辦,全國共計22縣市,1,147位環保志義工參加。工作團隊完成擬定運動會流程及召開工作人員說明會1場次,擬定各競賽項目之評分原則及標準,並聘請各競賽項目之裁判,並召開競賽裁判會議1場次。完成編印運動會大會手冊1,200本,並於運動會前寄發各環保局及參加運動會之志(義)工。本次運動會共有10項趣味競賽,包括:舊衣投籃、環保釣魚、創意啦啦隊隊呼比賽、回收海報紙巧手創意DIY、舊鐵罐疊疊樂、掃紙球接力賽、呼拉圈比賽、拼圖大賽、腳踏車慢騎、滾輪胎接力等。所有競賽項目均具環保意涵,其中更有2個競賽項目包括拼圖大賽及掃除貪瀆接力賽,均融入乾淨政府誠信社會及掃除貪瀆建立廉能政府,使整個運動會別具特殊意義。當天由創意啦啦隊隊呼比賽熱情揭開序幕,總統與環保署長也親臨會場,感謝環保志工並給予支持鼓勵,擊掌加油。在整體競賽之總錦標部分,總冠軍為基隆市,總亞軍為新竹縣,而總季軍則為嘉義縣。獎項中設有年齡最長男/女性選手之「老當益壯獎」、「青春永駐獎」,給予年長者之熱情參與鼓勵。現場另有最佳社區美食攤位票選活動,第一名為桃園縣八德市瑞發社區發展協會,美食包括馬祖手工魚丸湯、馬祖繼光餅、以及馬祖大餅。為落實生活環保友善環境理念,參加獎亦採用社區製造的手工環保皂和採用自然農法未施用任何化學肥料和農藥所栽種出來的有機米,茶點則由喜憨兒烘培坊精心製作,一方面鼓勵社區環保產業發展,另一方面輔助弱勢團體。午餐由桃園縣政府邀集社區供應當地特色小吃,以歡迎來自全國各地的環保志(義)工。整體活動符合環保、趣味、低碳,並支持社區環保產業,凝聚全國各地的環保志(義)工向心力。
EngTitle Republic of China (Taiwan) Centenary National Environmental Protection Voluntary Workers Interest Ga
EngAbstract This project was aimed to hold the “Republic of China (Taiwan) Centenary National Environmental Protection Voluntary Workers Interest Games”, show the vigor of them, encourage the sense of honor of them and their coherence, help them to assist implementing environmental protection works, and promote the general likes for sport.This game was held on December 24 in National Central University, and was participated by 22 counties, 1,147 environmental protection voluntary workers. The working group drew up the process of the game, held the meeting of staffs, drew up the principle and the standard of score, invited referees and held the meeting of referees. The working group compiled and printed 1,200 games handbooks, and mailed environmental protections bureaus and participates before the games. There were 10 interest competitions in this games, including: shooting old clothes to a basket, environmental protection fishing, the creativity cheering team, recycling paper DIY to a work of art, piling up the used iron cans, sweeping the paper balls relay race, hula-hooping, jigsaw puzzle, riding bicycle slowly, rolling the tires relay race and so on. All competitions had the environmental protection meaning, and two competitions (jigsaw puzzle and sweeping the paper balls relay race) integrated the clean government, honest society and clearing away the corruption.At the beginning of the games, it was the creativity cheering team with great enthusiasm, the president and the minister of environmental protection administrator also arrived, appreciated and encouraged the environmental protection voluntary workers. In all competitions, the total champion is Jilong City, the first runner-up is Xinzhu County, and the second runner-up is Jiayi County. There were awards “the hale and hearty prize” and “the lasting youthfulness prize” for the eldest men/women, and they encouraged the enthusiasm of the senior participates. There was voting activity for the best food of the communities, the champion was Ruei-Fa Community of Taoyuan County Bade City, the good food including the Mazu handmade fish ball soup, Mazu Chi-Kuang cake, as well as the Mazu big cake. In order to carry out the environmental protection life and environment friendly idea, “the participate prize” was handmade environmental protection soaps and rice raised by the natural agricultural method and not to use any chemical fertilizer and the agricultural chemicals. The snacks were made by Children Are Us Bakery. On the one hand it encouraged the community environmental products development, on the other hand, it assisted disadvantaged. Taoyuan County invited the community to supply the local characteristic meals to welcome the national environmental protection voluntary workers. The whole activity conformed to environmental protection, interest, low-carbon, supported the community environmental products, and condensed made the coherence of the national environmental protection voluntary workers.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會