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Title 100至101年度土壤及地下水污染整治法制研修、疑義諮詢暨基金求償工作計畫
Abstract 土壤及地下水污染整治法(以下簡稱土污法)於民國89年公布施行,近年於99年曾經大幅修正,相較於其他環境法係一較新的法律,有賴專業法律團隊協助確保行政作為之適法性。本計畫所設定之目標即在於提供包含訴訟及非訟之綜合性法律專業諮詢服務,協助各級主管機關處理土污法所涉法律疑義。本團隊在本計畫已完成之主要工作成果如下:(1) 對環保機關所提出之法律問題,完成法律交辦案件14件,並提供法律意見書35則。 (2)代理各級主管機關處理2件訴願及20件訴訟案件,並幾乎全部獲得滿意的成果。 (3) 就污染場址完成2份求償規劃報告,俾利相關求償業務之推動。 (4)辦理全國農地污染案件求償作業。(5)撰擬、編輯及出版「土壤及地下水污染整治及基金求償手冊」,並印製300本供參。 (6)協助建置完成土污計畫法律搜尋資料庫系統。 (7)就土污整治作業之相關獎勵、整治責任分配、基金代為支應項目範圍等,經研究英美法,與我國法分析比較後,對我國制度提出具體之規範建議。(8)介紹、翻譯及研析法國與中國土污相關法令,及研究美國國家賠償案例及軍事場址污染等實務案例,作為我國實務及法律修訂之借鏡。 (9)蒐集整理我國土污法法院案例20則及1則行政函釋,並就其中有價值者予以評析,以掌握實務運作之輪廓。 (10)為環保機關之承辦同仁辦理兩天一夜之法律求償教育講習,俾利同仁能更熟悉土污法,及解決實務上所遭遇之困難。最後,本團隊就上開研究成果及協助過程所得,提出法制面及實務面之建議。
EngTitle Project of Providing Services on Law Amendment, Legal Consulting and Claim Affairs relating to t
EngAbstract “Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act”(hereunder referred to as “the Act”)was promulgated in 2000 and had an overall revision in 2010. In comparison with other environmental laws, this is a relatively new law. Therefore, to ensure the legality of administrative acts, it is indispensible to rely on a professional legal team. The objective of this project was aimed to provide a comprehensive legal consulting service, including litigation and non-litigation matters, and to assist competent authorities at all levels to resolve the legal ambiguities and discrepancies concerning the Act. The team completed in this project the main results of work as follows: (1) to respond to 14 legal questions presented by the environmental agencies, and to provide 35 legal opinions in addition; (2) to represent EPA or local government agencies in dealing with 2 administrative appeals and 20 litigation cases, and obtaining satisfactory results in almost all of these cases; (3) to draft 2 planning reports on the recovery plan for remediation costs incurred in contaminated sites, in order to facilitate the enforcement of the Act; (4) to process cost recovery action for contaminated agricultural lands; (5) to draft, edit and publish “Guidelines for Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation and its Cost Recovery”, and to print 300 copies for reference; (6) to assist in developing “Searching Data Bank” for legal issues concerning the Act; (7) to research on the laws and regulations of England and U.S.A, and make a comparative study between our law and the afore- mentioned, and finally provide substantial advices on our legal system concerning the issues of: (a) rewarding policies relating to soil and groundwater pollution remediation, (b) distribution of responsibilities among PRPs and (c) the scope and items of costs to be prepaid by the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Fund; (8) to introduce, translate and analyze relevant laws and regulations in China and France, and to study on the issue of state compensation and soil and groundwater pollution on military sites, so as to provide reference for our legal practice and law amendment; (9) to sort out 20 pertinent previous court judgments and 1 administrative interpretation letter issued by EPA in past years concerning the Act, and to analyze some of those worthy of reference, so as to describe more complete outlines on the practice operation; (10) to arrange a two-day legal education conference for the personnel in environmental agencies, so that the environmental officers may have a better understanding of the Act and may solve the encountered problems in enforcing the Act. Finally, in connection with the afore-mentioned researching results and the outcome of assisting process, the team provided some suggestions from both legal and practical aspects.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 立言法律事務所