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Title 農地土壤母質品質背景調查計畫
Abstract 臺灣花東地區少數農地土壤經調查發現鉻、鎳濃度有異常偏高現象,經以地質學及土壤學之研究方式,系統性的辦理野外地質調查、岩石及河川沉積物主成分及微量元素分析、土壤剖面形態化育特徵研究及礦物相鑑定、農地土壤重金屬濃度分佈調查等工作,確認臺灣花東地區少數農地因位於蛇紋岩或超基性火成岩母質分佈區域,受自然環境背景地質因素影響以致土壤中鉻、鎳元素含量偏高,為非因外來人為污染所造成之地球化學異常現象。於調查區域所採集之空氣、地表水、地下水及農作物等環境介質樣品則並未受地質因素影響而有異常偏高現象,健康風險評估結果亦確認蛇紋岩母質土壤對居民生活環境及人體健康並無風險疑慮,所生產之食用作物亦無安全疑慮。
EngTitle Investigation on Background Characteristics of Parent Materials of Farmland Soils
EngAbstract Some of farmland soil was investigated contain high concentrations of Cr and Ni in eastern Taiwan. Based on geology and pedology research method (including field geology survey, major and trace element geochemical analysis, field morphological description of soil profiles, soil genesis characteristics research, mineral and phase identification, farmland soil sampling and heavy metal concentration analysis), the project confirms that (1) some of farmland soil in eastern Taiwan is located in the serpentine or ultramafic parent rocks distributed area; (2) high concentrations of Cr and Ni in soils are affected by local natural environment and geological background factors, for geochemical anomaly reasons not attributable to external pollution.The concentration of Cr and Ni are low in air, surface water, groundwater and food crops that were not affected by geology reason. The results of this project indicate that there is no impact on public health and the living environment for the resident who lived in the serpentine soil regions, food crops cultivated there are safe to eat.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 瑞昶科技股份有限公司