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Title 100年度「臺北市推動社區、學校資源回收宣導工作計畫」
Abstract 臺北市政府環境保護局為配合環保署「垃圾零掩埋、資源全回收」垃圾處理「減量化」、「資源化」、「處理多元化」等政策目標,推動社區、學校、鄰里資源回收工作,以強化民眾資源再利用觀念,邁向永續發展城市,委託綠信環境科技股份有限公司辦理「100年度臺北市推動社區、學校資源回收宣導工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)。本計畫自100年4月20日至100年12月31日止。主要工作可分為九大項:第一為辦理大專院校暨各級學校、社區、鄰里宣導活動、第二為更新維護資源回收申報系統及彙編年度績效成果報告、第三為調查臺北市養豬廚餘量及流向、第四為協助辦理100年度村里推動資源回收工作績效評比、第五為結合文山再生家具展示場辦理環保手工藝及跳蚤市場活動、第六為蒐集調查臺北市二手商品、跳蚤市場資訊、第七為媒體宣導、文宣品製作及相關教育宣導、第八為資源回收創新做法、第九為其他交辦事項,統計至100年11月30日止,各項工作皆依預定進度辦理,量化成果說明如下:一、辦理大專院校暨各級學校、社區、鄰里資源回收宣導活動(一)各級學校資源回收教育宣導研習會、說明會、活動:第一場次於6月13日假實踐大學辦理大專院校資源回收宣導說明會,當日出席人數達25人,出席率達89.3%;第二場次於9月15日假臺北市市立圖書館10樓會議廳辦理高中以下學校資源回收宣導說明會,結合公廁共同宣導,當日出席人數達138人,出席率達89.6%;第三場次於10月5日假臺北市市立圖書館10樓會議廳辦理各級學校宣導,當日出席人數達30人,出席率達83.3%。(二)結合臺北市各級學校或區里、社區活動辦理資源回收相關活動12場次,各場次參與人數達100人以上。(三)協助兆如安養中心資源回收宣導提供講師服務。二、更新維護環保局資源回收申報系統及彙編年度績效成果報告「臺北市環境保護局資源回收申報管理系統」網頁維護與更新工作,於每月協助臺北市機關、學校、團體、社區每月定期申報回收量,共計輔導522家學校、機關申報資源回收量,申報率達99.2%。另彙整提報100年度資源回收績效成果報告及簡報初稿。三、調查臺北市養豬廚餘量及流向於5月6日提交「養豬廚餘量及流向調查作業」,發文調查本市學校、機關、百貨公司及量販店養豬廚餘量及流向,學校、百貨公司及量販店養豬廚餘主要交付養豬業(占52.2%)、機關養豬廚餘主要交付清潔隊(占52.2%)。選定士林區餐飲業者作為本年度養豬廚餘量調查對象,現場調查發現餐飲業者產生之養豬廚餘主要交付清潔隊(占63%),而廚餘量較多者屬於大型餐廳,其廚餘則交付養豬業。在推估本市養豬廚餘量方面,建議以店家數進行推估,從士林區741家餐飲業者每月產生245.4公噸養豬廚餘,平均每家餐飲業者每月約產生0.33公噸養豬廚餘,進行全市餐飲業者推估每月養豬廚餘量可達4279.6公噸。四、協助辦理「100年度村里推動資源回收工作績效評比」工作協助於3月4日邀集各區公所召開評比說明會,協助彙整12區公所提報456里之資源回收績效成果報告成專冊,並彙整各區前5名的里推動資源回收工作之特色或特殊作法。五、結合文山再生家具展示場辦理環保手工藝教學及跳蚤市場活動本工作團隊於4月19日提報教學活動計畫書,共計辦理13場次手工藝教學活動。在辦理跳蚤市場活動方面,於10月29日假文山再生家具展示場辦理,當日邀請二手店家參與活動,出席人數達500人以上。六、蒐集調查臺北市二手商品店(書籍、一般日用品為主)、跳蚤市場資訊於4月份提報「跳蚤市場、二手店家調查作業」,現場調查本市12處行政區發現70處二手店家及4處跳蚤市集,完成調查之資訊建置於環保局資源回收網供民眾參考。二手店家區域分布以中正區、大安區為主,信義區及南港區多為二手精品類;店家販售物品種類主要以書籍雜誌(49家次)、其次為家電影音(21家次)。七、媒體宣導、文宣品製作及相關教育宣導(一)發布電子媒體、電子看板、雜誌、報紙、網路或電台等相關媒體:以環保手工藝為主題發布相關媒體達74則。(二)以廢潤滑油、鈕釦型廢乾電池及水銀溫度計等回收為主題刊登捷運、公有停車場、稅捐稽徵處及警察局走馬燈共計156則。(三)委託專業美工(設計)公司完成1則環境衛生與資源回收宣導海報設計。八、資源回收創新作法完成提報「環保小撇步」與「臺北E回收 環保無國界」共2則創新作法執行方案。「環保小撇步」於5月及8月辦理教學活動,並設計製作成教學手冊。「世界在說環保話」配合歐洲學校、美國學校活動及新移民會館辦理資源回收宣導,並提供日僑學校卡通版及實務版資源回收宣導資料,作為學生上課教材。九、其他交辦事項完成170處廢潤滑油免費回收點維護作業,其中有5處業者已歇業,確認165處回收點免費回收服務。於10月15日、10月23日及11月23日辦理廢潤滑油回收宣導活動,現場完成200份問卷調查作業,僅68%的民眾了解廢潤滑油可以回收,對於廢潤滑油回收政策認知度最高以男性、學歷以大專大學、年齡介於26~30歲、職業以工商業為主。
EngTitle 2011 Taipei City Promotion of Recycling in Communities and Schools Program
EngAbstract The Dept of Environmental Protection (DEP) of Taipei City Government is in support of the EPA’s “To Bury Zero Garbage, Full Recycling” Program for the policy targets of “reduction”, “reutilization of asset”, “Diversity of Handling” of garbage disposal. This will allow recycling work by promotion in communities, schools, and neighborhoods and to strengthen the public’s views on the reusing of resources to develop Taipei into a sustainable development city. The Taipei City Government has entrusted Protect-Eco Technology & Consultants Co., Ltd to handle the “2011 Taipei City Promotion of Recycling in Communities and Schools Program” (simply called The Program below).The program is implemented from April 20, 2011 to Dec 31, 2011. There are 9 main items involved: 1) Promotion activities conducted at colleges, universities, and all levels of schools, communities, and neighborhoods, 2) Update the reporting system of the recycling system and the report summarizing annual outcome, 3) investigation of the quantity and flow of Taipei City’s kitchen leftovers for pigs, 4) Assist the comparison of recycling work done at the community and neighborhood level, 5) Together with the Wenshan District Recycled Furniture Exhibition to Environmental Hand arts and craft and flea market activity, 6) Collect and investigate the information on Taipei City’s second hand goods and flea markets, 7) Conduct promotion for the media, production of promotional items and related educational promotion, 8) innovation ways of doing recycling, 9) other assigned tasks. AS of Nov 30, 2011, each item have followed the schedule, and the outcome are explained below:I. Promotion activities conducted at colleges, universities, and all levels of schools, communities, and neighborhoods(1) Conducting promotional and education seminars, talks, and activities on recycle at all levels of schools: The first event was the College Level Recycling Promotional Seminar held on June 13 at Shih Chien University. The number of attendance was 25 people, with attendance rate of 89.3%. The second event was the High School or Under School Recycling Promotional Talk held on Sept 15 at the Taipei City Public Library 10F Conference Room. This was combined with the promotion on public toilets. There were 138 people who attended, and the attendance rate was 89.6%. The third event was the All Level of Schooling Recycling Promotional Talk held on Oct 5 at the Taipei City Public Library 10F Conference Room. There were 30 people who attended, with the attendance rate of 83.3%(2) Combined with all levels of school or neighborhoods or community in Taipei city, conducted 12 recycling related activities, with over 100 people attending each event.(3) Assisting the Chaoru Nursing Home Recycling Promotion by providing speaker services.II. Update the reporting system of the recycling system and the report summarizing annual outcome“The Taipei City Government Dept of Environmental Protection (DEP) Recycling Reporting Management system” Website maintenance and updating work has helped Taipei City agencies, schools, organizations, and communities to file the collected amount monthly. We have coached a total of 522 schools and agencies to file the recycled amount, with a reporting rate of 99.2%. In addition, we have compiled the recycling performance outcome report for 2011 and the preliminary presentation.III. Investigation of the quantity and flow of Taipei City’s Kitchen Leftovers for PigsOn May 6, have filed the “The Investigation on Quantity and Flow of Kitchen Leftovers for Pigs”, and have requested in writing to investigate the quantity and flow of kitchen leftovers for pigs to the city’s schools, agencies, dept stores, and Discount stores. The result is that the largest quantity and flow from schools, dept stores, and discount stores go to pig farmers (at 52.2%) and those from agencies mainly go to garbage collection team (at 52.2%).We choose the Shilin District diners and restaurants as survey targets for this year’s kitchen leftovers for pigs. On site investigation have found that most of the kitchen leftovers for pigs are given to garbage collection team (at 63%), while the larger restaurants with greater amount of kitchen leftovers for pigs are given to pig farmers. Based on the amount and number of restaurants to make estimates, there are 741 restaurants and food service providers that produce 245.4 tons of kitchen leftovers for pigs monthly. Therefore, the average store produces about 0.33 tons of kitchen leftovers for pigs produced monthly. By projection, we estimate the total amount of kitchen leftovers for pigs produced by all restaurants in the city at 4279.6 tons.IV. Assist the comparison of recycling work done at the community and neighborhood levelOn March 4, have invited each district office to participate in a ratings information meeting, to help collect the recycling outcome from 456 neighborhoods in the 12 districts into a manual, and collect the unique features or special methods used by the top 5 neighborhoods of each district.V. Together with the Wenshan District Recycled Furniture Exhibition to Environmental Hand arts and craft and flea market activityOur working team submitted a teaching activities plan on April 19 and conducted a total of 13 handicraft teaching activity. In terms of conducting the flea market activities, we have used the Wenshan District Recycled Furniture Exhibition on Oct 29 to invite the used furniture stores to participate. There were over 500 people who attended.VI. Collect and investigate the information on Taipei City’s second hand goods (books and daily products mainly) and flea marketsWe filed the “Investigations on the Flea Market, Used Stores” in April, and have on-site visited the 70 used stores and 4 flea markets in the 12 administration districts, completing the setting up of information within the recycling portion of the EPA website for the public to reference. The used stores are located mainly in the Chungcheng and Daan District, while the Xinyi and Nangang District mainly has the luxury goods used stores. The vendors mainly sell books or magazines (49 stores), followed by home applications and audio-visual products (21 stores).VII. Conduct promotion for the media, production of promotional items and related educational promotion (1) The media used included electronic media, electronic billboards, magazines, and newspaper, internet, or radio stations. The numbers filed in these media was 74, focusing on environmental handicrafts as theme.(2) Using used motor oil, button type dry cell, and mercury thermometers as the recycling theme, we have posted 156 messages on the MRT, public parking lots, taxation offices, and the electronic billboards at police stations.(3) Have entrusted professional arts design company to complete 1 poster design promoting environmental healthy and recycling.VIII. Innovative ways of doing recyclingWe have submitted the 2 innovation implementation programs of “Easy Steps to Environmental Protection” and “Taipei E-Recycling, Borderless World for Environmental Protection”. We conducted teaching activities of “Easy Steps to Environmental Protection” Program in May and August, and have designed and produced teaching manuals. The “Taipei E-Recycling, Borderless World for Environmental Protection” worked with the Taipei European School and Taipei American School Activities. Also, it served as recycling promotion at the new immigrations Hall, and provided the Taipei Japan School with a cartoon version and working version for recycling promotional materials. These can serve as education materials for students.IX. Other assigned tasksWe have completed free maintenance recycling operational points at 170 locations. Among these locations, 5 businesses have ceased operations, so we have confirmed that 165 locations are in service. On Oct 15, Oct 23, and Nov 23, we have conducted a promotional activity on recycling of used motor oil. On site, we have completed 200 surveys and learned that only 68% of the public understands that motor oil can be recycled. The characteristics of the category with highest recognition of this policy is male, with college or university education, aged between 26 to 30, working in the private commercial sectors.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 台北市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 綠信環境科技股份有限公司