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Title 環境影響評估審查作業程序檢討計畫
Abstract 本研究小組之主要執行內容可歸納為五大部分:(1)蒐羅日本、德國、美國環評審查程序相關「作業手冊」或「應行注意事項」;(2)建立環評審查程序常見類型作業範例之可行性評估;(3)對訴訟案例所涉環評審查程序之適法性評估;(4)「環評法施行細則第36條至第38條」及相關審查作業規定之修法建議;(5)舉辦「環境影響評估審查制度」相關諮詢研商會共計3場次、環境影響評估業務檢討會共計2場及研究成果宣導講習會共計2場。
EngTitle The Review Plan for the Review Operating Procedure of Environmental Impact Assessment
EngAbstract The main executive content of the Research Team includes five major parts: (1) doing research on relevant handbook or attention must be paid of review operating procedure of environmental impact assessment such as Japan, Germany, and United States;(2) reviewing the assessment of review procedure common type of operating model of environmental impact assessment ;(3)assessing the lawsuit case of legitimacy of environmental impact assessment ;(4) proposing the suggestion for amending environmental impact assessment enforcement rules and relevant review operating rules; and (5) convening three public meeting of environmental impact assessment and two review meeting of environmental impact assessment.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣行政法學會