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Title 環境教育輔導團服務專案工作計畫
Abstract 針對環境教育法第19條規定,機關、公營事業機構、高級中等以下學校及政府捐助基金累計超過百分之五十之財團法人等對象,提供年度環境教育計畫、辦理方式之專業輔導與接受諮詢,提昇本對象環境教育之專業素養,以落實環境教育。另對環境教育法第7條規定,輔導直轄市、縣(市)政府依國家環境教育綱領及國家環境教育行動方案,訂定直轄市、縣(市)環境教育行動方案。
EngTitle Environmental Education Mentoring Group and Counseling service Project
EngAbstract There are 3,728 phone call for counseling service. The Amount of service is 56 call each day, averagely. About half of these calling is online reporting job among 20 kinds of request and question.We also see higher call volume in November, December, January.There are 50 sessions for on-site counseling service from 135 demands. Another open source of service is website with on-demand cases.
ProjectYear 100
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 中華民國環境教育學會